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Word Count: 802



The next 2 or so weeks were the same, Ashton would drive me with him to pick up Harry and Lauren and then we'd go home. Me and Ashton would do some homework together and then I'd play a few rounds of a game with Harry and Lauren. Then, before dinnertime, I'd go home and fall asleep quickly.

It was the same until one day, Ashton didn't come to school.

I just went straight to my house that day.

He didn't show up the next day either.

Or the next.

Or the next.

He was gone for more than a week and it was scaring the life out of me. I wish I asked for his number or something to contact him. I want to go to his house but that feels wrong. What if he's sick or something? What if he's not home?

I hoped he'd be at school today but I haven't seen him all day.

During lunch, I was walking in the halls when I heard a call of my name. I turned around and saw Michael. Great. He was with a few other boys too. They were throwing this at me.

I started to run. So did they.

"Just leave me the fuck alone! Please!" Nothing works. Nothing will.

They say don't run away from your problems but I really need to run right now.

You'd think I know the way the school is shaped by now, but I don't. Just make a run for it and hope I don't end up in a dead end.

"Lukey, come here baby."

"We won't hurt you."

"You look like a princess, let's treat you like one."

You think I have time to listen to them tormenting me right now? Hell no. I don't have time for anything. 

Leggings were a good choice for running. The crop top lifts up and I won't be surprised if some scars and cuts are showing but I couldn't care less right now. I'm not great at running but I mean I've been able to stay away from them for at least now but I know they're close behind.

Where's the office? I could run by it or run in there. Then these assholes would get caught and I hopefully wouldn't die. But like I know where that is. I just want Ashton right now. I bet these boys are scared of him.

But I could only run so far. The boys managed to catch up. One swiped his foot accross the floor, perfectly landing underneath my right foot and making me fall. My left foot was fine but my right felt like it was on fire. Then, I saw a fist, and another, and another. I know I have no chance but I can try to shield myself the best I can. I wish I paid more attention during self defence classes before, but I doubt that would help me in the position I'm in. Helpless, on the ground, my whole body on display for these boys to destroy me. And not in a good way.

There's nothing I could do. I tried to punch back but my hand would only get slapped back down. I tried to move my foot but it would only get stepped on. I tried to move my head and it would only get held in place.

If I pass out then I wouldn't feel anything anymore. I feel like I'm about to lose consciousness but I don't want to. I want to know what's happening but I just want this to be over.

Once I finally fought enough with my body I was able to move my hand. Each small move was sending a million pins and blades throughout my whole body, but like I care about that now. I want to at least cause some damage to these monsters.

I reached out my left hand and felt something. I grabbed onto it and flung it away before it was able to hurt me. I don't know what it was but I assumed it was a foot because as I threw it away I heard someone fall. I then moved my hand over my face and tried to move my right hand but it felt numb. I tried to move anything but I couldn't. My face felt numb. My back felt numb. My legs felt numb. I was numb. I could see the shapes of things hitting me but I felt no pain and no impact from it. The world was spinning but I wanted it to stop. Everything was turning black but I wanted to see. The noises were gone but I wanted to hear. And that's the last thing I could remember.

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