
28 2 0

Word count: 732

This chapter starts right where the last chapter leaves.


I suddenly let go of the hug when I heard the door open and the doctor walk in.


The doctor told me what was going to happen and how the casting process works. He told me that they'll be putting some gauze and bandages over my cuts so that they'll heal better and hopefully won't get infected. He also told me that they'll be disinfecting the area and that they've been sending pain killers and other things like that through the IV.

I didn't realise it was there before. He also told me that Ashton signed the legal forms, so it's all good.

A few more doctors walked into the room and they set a few things up. They gave me a towel to bite down on and 2 stress balls, one for each hand. They they lightly strapped my other leg to the bed and started the process.

It hurt more but also less than I thought, it's probably thanks to the pain killers.

They took of the brace and I was able to grab a quick final glance at my foot. It has lots of cuts everywhere and I was the one who put them all there. My ankle looked a bit wrong but that'll probably get fixed.

They disinfected my foot and wrapped it with gauze. They then put on the cast and asked what colour I wanted, I chose the nice baby pink color they had.

The cast went up my whole leg, it covered my knee but my knee was positioned so I'd be able to use crutches. The pain was fading and it was feeling a lot better.

Ashton stayed for a while but he was told to leave at around 6 pm. They transferred me to a room on the 4th floor and I was able to see a sign that said something like self-sabotage. I assume I'm now stuck in a mental ward because they found it.

Sure enough, a social worker comes into my room in around 10 minutes and starts asking me questions about my self-harming shit.

She asked things like how my family way and how other things were, to which I replied that they were bad.

She asked who the boy that was with me was and I told her that we've known each other for a while and I don't know what we are. Friends, 'brothers', or boyfriends, either of those seems about right. I'm hoping it's boyfriends though. 

She told me that my family would he visiting me tomorrow for an hour but they would make sure nothing bad happens. They have cameras everywhere and my parents are going to get in trouble no matter what. They've done so much already.

I told her I have no where to go but she told me that it'll be okay. She said that I anyways have to stay here for at least 2 weeks to make sure I'm not about to jump off a cliff or tear my skin off again.

Well, she didn't say it in those words, but that's what I understood.

After a bit longer, she handed me a menu so I could order dinner. I just realized that I haven't had dinner for a few weeks. I mean, I still eat, I just don't eat dinner. Usually my parents are doing stuff in the kitchen when I get home and I try to avoid them at all costs.

Nothing looked that good so I just ordered some mac and cheese. It came with a side so I just chose some fruit.

It came in 20 minutes and was actually good. I wasn't expecting much from hospital food, so I was pleasantly surprised.

I can't help but being scared about tomorrow though. I never show my feminine side around them so what will they say about the pink cast? What will they say about the fact this I got in a fight? What will they say about me skipping school for the next weeks? I don't know. All I know is that I want to sleep but this bed isn't very comfortable. I'll have to get used to it though.

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