Twenty four

29 2 0

Word count: 812



The next three weeks or so were mild hell but I could tell I was getting better. I talked to Zack a lot more than I did with Christina but that was my choice, I liked him more.

The days were basically on repeat for me and the only different thing was the different food I got. Here's the way the days go. 

I wake up at whatever time I have to wake up at so I can order breakfast. Then I'd order breakfast and eat it. 

Then Christina would sometimes come but she usually doesn't. 

Then lunch. 

Then after a bit Zack would come to check on me and everything. He took the neck brace off last week and I feel so much more free. Then we'd talk. 

After that, my physio therapist comes in and helps me do random things I need to. I've gotten good at using crutches and it feels nice to move and get out of my room since that's the only time I can.

After a while it's dinner. 

Then, once I'm done with dinner, they turn the lights off and I try to sleep.

I'm not allowed my phone or anything really. I'm not even allowed to have visitors, they told me that when I asked why no one was coming. And by no one, I just meant Ashton or Niall since no one else would care enough.

It's been hard and there have been many days where I was as close as possible to running out of my room and jumping out a window but with the way I'm being watched, that would never happen. The urge to cut isn't completely gone, but it's slowly going away. I think I might be able to deal with living now.

I've been trying to count the days but there wasn't really a point. I'd just ask Zack what day it was and when he'd tell me I'd figure out how long I've been here. 

Yesterday, when I asked him, I calculated that today would be exactly three weeks.

After I had lunch, Zack came into my room, we talked for a bit, he did one final exam, my physio therapist came in, and did one final exam. She told me to take care of myself and I thanked her. I said bye and that turned out to be the last time I said bye to her. Her name is Alyo by the way.

Zack came back into my room and told me I was getting released. I was so happy, but at the same time, I was a bit sad. I was getting used to it and I actually liked these people.

Zack gave me his phone number and he gave me back my stuff. Well, he brought the stuff into my room, Niall's family was keeping my stuff at their house since I wasn't allowed to have any of it anyways.

Niall's mom and dad came with Niall to pick me up. They told me to address them however I wish and I remembered how as a kid I'd call them mum and dad. I asked them if it was alright and they said they were both fine with it. Niall didn't seem to mind the smallest bit either. He was mainly just happy I was still alive.

I said bye to everyone that helped me at the hospital and thanked them from the bottom of my heart. They saved me and kept me alive. Now I want to stay alive. I hugged Zack and Christina one more time before I left the hospital with Niall and his family. I hope I won't need to be back. I mean, I'll have to go back to a different unit to get my cast off or get a new one but that's fine. I just don't want to go back for any other reasons. Unless I have to I guess.

Getting into the car was a bit hard with my foot but it wasn't too bad. They cut the cast off and gave me a boot thing to walk with.

Since Niall was an only child and he lived in a four bedroom house, the fourth bedroom was the guest room. Was. Now it's mine even though Niall wanted to share his room with me, his parents insisted that I have my own. 

They told me I could go to 'my' house (even though they told me that I can call their house my home if I'd like which I said yes too) when/if I needed but I told them I'll stay for a while since that place would probably trigger me since I hated those people who created me with all my heart.

I can't wait to see Ashton's face soon. I closer my eyes and sleep came right away.

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