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Eyes creased with sweat, a few drops on the sand on which her motionless shadow crouched

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Eyes creased with sweat, a few drops on the sand on which her motionless shadow crouched. An another shadow moved to the latter one with lofty steps.

"You should stop. It's lunch time." The second shadow crouched beside the first one with a grunt.

Two obsidian orbs figuring out a glass piece, which ruined her daily routine--brushing sand on Batumi's offshore.

"Zech..Z E C H." The latter shadow gasped and swallowed to quench her raspy throat.

The Excavation Technician, Zech scanned the pane of white material full of sand. The latter one brushed the sand.

"Glass?" Zech scratched his head.
"A glass pane? Could be a window?" The Latter one deviated with a question.
"Maybe?" Zech scratched his stubble and nodded...But they failed to do one thing. Both of their faces radiated many queries.

Both officers sprinted to their collection hub. "Emergency! We found glass pane of 5:7 inch at Batumi site 003 at 41°38'45" 41°38'30." A beep announced the sent message.

Associate archaeologist reporting to her Headquarters. In the urge, Esfir Volkova, the finder of glass pane, the owner of curious obsidian orbs forgot to inhale.

"Blin," Esfir stumbled into the chair.
"Someone is cursing," Zeck mumbled and walked towards his camp with a lips curling smirk.

Then the calm sea shore of the Black Sea, now drifting with engines booming and choppers tearing the winds-the main technicians and scientists of the Georgian Archaeological department arrived within 30 minutes.

Mr. Radomir Novikoff, Commander of the GARC, is surveying the restricted area.

"Eldar, let's dig in".

Anything could happen in a fraction of a blink- "BEWARE-OF-DMITRIY," was the last word of Eldar before he released the team for excavation. Esha and Zech in the front line of the excavating crew.

The tedious task started. The already exhausted duo was soulless AIs' of the Excavation Crew just brushed off the sand yet being cautious.

The Deputy Excavation chief, Eldar Abkhazi, is camping near the site for nine hours as per the Commander's order. The digging crew brushed the sand, which hooded over the pane of glass. Turned out to be 54:63 inches glass pane of submarine.

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