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"Okay." They both ended with a sigh.

"Zech said to check the memos," Nadya was anxious as she opened her emails.

Dear Cadets,

Kindly assemble at Head Quarters tomorrow for a confidential meeting. Everyone may or may not be heard——Our Commander passed away due to cardiac arrest. Compulsory for every cadet to show up at 09:00 AM

ELDAR, Deputy Commander of GARC.

Another Memo blinked at the screen.

Dear Batumi Crew members,

Your order and contract for the project will be issued tomorrow at 11:00 AM. Report at the Batumi Site after the Head Quarters meeting as soon as possible.

ELDAR, Deputy Commander of GARC.

Esfir and Nadya refused to bid a good night after figuring out the agenda of tomorrow. They nod at each other before they went in.

Their rooms are separated by one crisp and dark blackish-brown magnificent door study room.

"What kind of professionalism is this? Contract for what? They didn't include this in prior docs," Frustrated Esfir abated on the bed.

"UFF! WHAT IS THE CONTRACT FOR? TO KILL US?" Nadya called out Eldar in her room. He couldn't hear though.The noise made Bum quite frightened but it gradually went back to sleep after knowing that is Nadya venting as usual.

Morning rays entered the screen, An Orange-ish yellow light traveling in Esfir's room and gave her slumber to a much needed halt. She unlocked her mobile, and already 3 missed calls from Zech and Marina..."Lemme fresh up first, geez."

She turned on her regular podcast.

Time is 06:45 AM, it doesn't have any remorse from yesterday. The time will tick and run on its own shamelessly: even after the great war; even after a deadly earthquake; even after a massive volcanic eruption; even after someone's loved ones are dead; even after someone passed away-That's what Time is for you. Time will wait for none. None. Stick to it, otherwise, you'll drown in the past.

The speaker finished, and Esfir completed her brushing.

She dialed Zech.

"Zech, I will be ready before 8." Esfir burbled even without his reply she cut the call.

Zech couldn't lend his ears to this type of stupidity, and let her call go. 'Morning itself she started '

The same happened for Marina. "This suka," Marina yeeted her mobile away. 

Nadya right in time, knocked on the door, "Yup, wait." Esfir bolted towards the door.

"Get ready girl, I will make some bread. All supplies will be in the restroom, put on some of my dresses." Nadya greeted her with a coffee at the door.

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