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"Didn't he

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"Didn't he... call...yet?" Esfir asked in a frightened voice, breathing heavily.

"No, Kid. But where were you?" Nadya nudged her.

"Maybe with Andrei, right?"
Both Zech and Nadya raised their eyebrows at Alyona.

"Me and Esha went for coffee. nothing to do with Andrei." Protective brother appeared in a second with folded arms and looked like... he was ready to throw away anyone. Nadya is smirking at his demeanor change.

"Am sorry, don't get me wrong. He went to check the schedule, which is at your department only."
"Oh! so, you thought he will meet us?" Zech continued, unconsciously showing his frustration in the voice. "

"Leave this Kid, Zech," Nadya's hand encircled him.
"Okay! Why? you guys went without me?" Nadya asked in a little disappointed tone. Not only all but Nadya was also surprised by her whining.

"Err..." Nadya decided to change the topic. "Why girl? Why are you dragging Andrei?" she reciprocated everyone to Alyona.

"I just asked merely." Alyona shrugged as if she don't mean anything but others didn't know her fear for the protector, Zech. 'Uff! I didn't say anything bad. Right? Andrei come and save me.'

"It's okay. Let's discuss this later," Esfir, amid the commotion, found something useful for her. 'Nadya!'

"Where did he go?" Zech asked again to confirm Andrei's whereabouts.

"To your department," Alyona answered with relief seeing her gang approaching her. Speaking of legends, Andrei entered the hallway with Garry, "There he is."

"He?" Esfir and Nadya quickly turned back to the opposite side. Witnessing these two striding the hallway as if they own this building is not good news to them.

"Esha! Get in." Zech ordered, literally pushing her towards the Commander's door... And the door opened in right time revealing Eldar, who instructed them to follow him into the door.

Alyona is done with him..."Bye, I guess." She addressed Zech while following Nadya as Esfir went first.

The hallway leads to the silent cabin in the corner. Eldar opened the door and kept it open, so the three ladies can enter. 'You can do this and all?' Esfir got surprised by his action. But his face showed disgust, which is seen by Nadya. Alyona, who is already dazed by Zech's audacity failed to look at this.

"Ah, Three women...Bane of GARC. Go, have a seat." Eldar welcomed them.

"Eldar, wait outside," Commander Novikoff shuts him off.

"Serves you right," Nadya commented Esfir's thought, she nodded with a smirk. Alyona went beyond them by opening the door for him with a look -I-got-you. Alyona's daze faded away with his respectful welcome.

Eldar eyed them in a wave of anger but eventually left. He indeed heard Nadya's comment.

Commander nods at them, "Have a seat. Three women sat at the desk politely after a salutation.

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