➥ 19 ⦙ MAC

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Medical Analyses for Cadets

Every member assembled at the Medi Wing, the medical analysis team took their blood as the primary procedure.

All cubicles have different equipment for further tests. The main crew members have the benefit, they are allowed to get the tests first.

Eye examiner is the first one. Blood pressure and electrical activity of heart test like ECGs; for brain EEGs; pulmonary tests were done.

Cardiac stress testing is the vigorous part of the whole. They have to run in inclined TMT for half an hour at 4.7 speed. Man were given 5 plus speed sections on this test.

Plethora of tests on them, The main crew already passed out on the waiting couch.

"Main crew persons, please follow me," A middle-aged woman in a doctor's suit, asked the members to tail her. She took them to West Wing.

They were escorted to the place. "This is the training lab and y'all are lab rats now." She welcomed all with a smirk and proceed to the hallway.

The hallway leads them to their session unit. She placed her hands on the sensor, the door opened, a fog emitted, white mist enveloped them when they enter like ants.

"Lab rats? nice name only!" Esfir felt this intriguing- "What kinda training, we are getting here?" Zech gulped as he first entered the chamber while shuttering.

"Not so useful. Believe me!" Nadya mutterd under her breath. But to her surprise, The Doctor, who is in charge of this lab stated her thoughts proudly. Her eyebrows raised, "She might be in bebo's age," she reminded herself.

"Y'all will get trained to be in that dome-it may contain poisonous gas now."

Alyona who's biting her nails has a doubt, "Then why are we going there?"

"Nice question, Ask your dad instead," Esfir was taunting Alyona with wiggled eyebrows.

"Hey...stop that," Alyona humped and folded her arms.

"She's right only," Nadya came for support.

"Please, ladies have a kitty party outside," Garry spoke with straight face-which in turn annoyed Nadya much.

"Oceanographer and team, get into this chamber 6," They were directed towards it, where an old grim looked officer signaled them to follow him.

"Nadya, are you okay?" Andrei checked her, two people in that place went bewildered...Nadya and Garry were the ones.
"I am done," Garry completed the sentence before her.

"Aren't you coming? Guys?" Alyona, who is four feet before them called.

"I am fine, Andrei," Nadya's face lit up at his words but it was halted at the sound of..."I am coming," Garry looked down on Nadya, yet walked away.

"Leave him," Andrei waves in front of the dazed Nadya.
"Thanks for asking."
"Good, let's go" Andrei shrugged and tilted his head at her to lead. With his hands in his pockets he followed her.

"What took you long?"
"I was checking the doctor madam."
Nadya pushed Andrei aside with playful dash.

"What? Nad, you okay?"
"Err, alright, Ali. Don't worry," Nadya smiled at her. Alyona hummed back.

"Unfortunately, until, Dr. Addison got here...You will be leading this team," Chief.Eldar's words went again in Andrie's ears.
"When that Doctor will be here?" Andrei is in his mind having a whole conversation.

The crew entered the fastest chamber. "Though it's dome, we suspect for water because of the sea."
"How water will be in domes?" Garry asked Docter.

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