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Zech described the measurements of the glass pane to be cut off

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Zech described the measurements of the glass pane to be cut off. "Are we doing the right thing?" Esfir squatted down on the other end of the measurement tape and mumbled.
"What was she blabbering on about this time?"
"What? you blabber about Andrei all day...Did I say something?" Zech snaps at Hazel.

Zech is the only one who will taunt his Esha, others are restricted. Because she is his little sister from another mother.

Hazel is taken aback by this and reminds shut for a while. 'He's so cold '

"Are the details correct? consider it before we submit."
Hazel checking the coordinates, and Esfir re-checking the details as per Zech's order.

Zech calls his assistant "Mr. Shamailov," in front of cabin no-03.
"Yes, ser." Two Georgian men in their 30s appear at the door.
"It's sir. S.I.R" Zech corrected him with air quotes.
"Seir..." That assistant tried his best.
Zech on the verge of losing his patience, thought he can't correct him. "Fine, I am going to headquarters, take charge of the site. I will take Esfir and Hazel with me--take care of the newcomers."
Nodding his head in yes and again he went..."YES SER!" with a salute.
Zech shook his head in disbelief and turned to walk away.
After that, the site translator  explained everything to him.
"I Like your dedication Mr.Shamailov," Zech turned around with a surprised smile.
'This man saluted without even understanding.' Zech was amused.

"So this is the attributes of the pane?

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"So this is the attributes of the pane?."
The three agree with a slight nod.
"Sir, don't we check the casualties before we cut the pane?" Esfir demands the head of this project. Eldar removed his specs and eyed the woman in front of him..."Arizona girl, right?" "Associate Archaeologist, Archaeological Department of Arizona," Esfir answered in a professional tone.

Zech's smile was noticed by Eldar. "Alright, as I am good in English--I was managing you foreigners, please be home here until the project is done." Esfir nods, 'Hospitality is missing in your welcome, chief '. Zech smiled as always in pain. He's hearing this for the third year straight.

"Sir, here are the parameters to be cut off for a man to enter." Hazel thought this is the best time to cut the ongoing shit.
"I appreciate your work, my dear Ms. Baratashvili," With a glee on his face while saying her name--Esfir and Zech fold their arms to watch the drama unfold in front of them. "Yes, Sir the team did well."
"No, Ms. Baratashvili you did more tasks than needed. see you noted these."
Arizona duo snorted, 'It's a soft copy by the way, chief. '

"What's there?"
"No, Sir. Esfir showing me the site pictures." "Alright, gimme that."
They handed over the remaining folders.

Eldar's mobile vibrates, "They are here, let's finish the procedure." He stood up and leaves with the folders tailed by the trio.

" He stood up and leaves with the folders tailed by the trio

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Everyone gathered already. Seating in respective departments.

Mr. Novikoff stood before the dice and addressed the team of officials and the head of the departments. "A warm welcome to the government representatives, we have immense pleasure in welcoming you all." As he starts clapping everyone joins in it. "My team, the head of all the departments under GARC is assembled here for the intensive project. I am thankful for such a supportive team and superiors." The clapping ceremony again. "At last the crew who are going to risk their lives for the project is also here on this discussion." No one clap. "Mr. Eldar Abkhazi, Deputy Chief of GARC will present further." Everyone claps except the Arizona duo.

"The crew for the man research on Batumi site was filled with many international intellectuals, such a precious crew indeed."
"What a hypocrite!"
"Shh! Now, that's not important. Listen to him." Zech gave a pat on Esfir's hand. 

"Let's screen the crew." A slide-- SECONDARY CREW FOR MAN RESEARCH ON BATUMI, welcomes all. The first slide is a Canadian woman, AMELIA BENNETT, Technician. Next, An American man, SAMUEL JONATHAN, Assistant Archaeologist. Next, MADONNA, Assistant archaeologist..."What?" Esfir shouts for real--turning heads.
"Esha, shut it." Hazel controlled the rageful woman beside her.
"Let's discuss this later."

The other three slides were missed by Esfir but the MARINE slides are left. The next one was, Alyona Kozlov, Marine Biol. Another slide...CAMILA, Marine engineer. "Why do we need an engineer?" One of the men in the first row asks Eldar to choose to speak in Georgian... Esfir couldn't catch them. "Saying it's because of the seashore," Hazel assured. The front-row man agreed and the Arizona girl nodded with a sigh.

"The remaining first and primary crew will be announced tomorrow as we are in the sorting period." The clap goes on as he finished off. Commander. Novikoff addressed the front row in reluctance, "Sir, do we have any objection regarding the crew?"

"Not yet, Mr.Novikoff," One man answered as everybody looks blank. "We need to consider the remaining crew before we comment on anything." Another man spoke. 'At least three of them talk, ' Commander consoled himself.

"We are sure, we will submit the remaining tomorrow."
"Okay then, we will meet tomorrow." The first-row officials headed towards the exit.

After they went, Novikoff stood, "WHERE ARE THE OTHER TEAM's NAMES?"

Eldar moved toward his commander in small steps.

'Watching his fear is kinda cool, '
Esfir is happy after the long day.

'Watching his fear is kinda cool, ' Esfir is happy after the long day

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