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"What's on your mind?" Zech demanded his Esha, straightening up.
"I have some theories on my mind." Esfir guessing over which cake to have.

"You look normal than before?" Zech is glad about this changeover but knew something is working on her mind behind those wheels. "Mmm! I am... just... thinking, Zech." Munching her cake, she managed to pull up some words.

"Like I believe this?" Zech murmured in a low tone and gave her the I-know-you-girl look.

Esfir acted as if she didn't hear or see anything and continued "Will you believe me? When I tell you some of my theories?" She ended up asking because she knew that there is no back when her brother confronts.

As Zech is silent, Esfir asked, "What's your thought?"

"You testing my patience," Zech looked at his hands.
"What, Zech?" Esfir shook his hands.
"Don't mind, tell me already." Zech consciously showed his frustration. Esfir found that she already made the situation worse. 'Let's make it even more'

"You knew...As you started to work here, I joined Arizona's Eden project restudy."
"Yes, Esha. Do we have any connection here?"
"Ey, Lemme finish." Esfir at last pleaded which is new to Zech. He nodded with skepticism.

"There we studied Bio-sphere 2 in detailed."

"It's supposed to be done in Georgia...Arizona and Georgia have a tied up in Archaeological issues from then itself."
"That's why people like Eldar hate us?"
"No, I'm not talking about that."
"Then?" Zech couldn't differ between Eden and Biosphere 2.
"Georgian government didn't allow such a project to commence here. That's why, Biosphere 2 was born in Arizona in 1991."

"I don't think, there is something related to this stuff."

"My professors, who have been working since Eden told me this! DO YOU THINK, THEY'LL LIE?"

"Ara. No, Esha. That's not what I mean."
"Then what?" Esfir looked straight in his eyes.

"First, tell me. What is bio-sphere 2 and Eden project, Aren't they same?"
"Oh I see. You completely forgot our Arizona," Esfir stated the fact with a sigh.

"I..I..." Zech lost his words. His thoughts went blank.

"Listen Boy! Both are separate ones." she continued, "Bio-sphere 2 is where Nadya's grandmother worked as an archaeologist and scientist."

Everything woke up in his mind. "Ahh. Yes. I know," Zech nodded, placed the empty cup down, to listen.

"Only her name reminds you of everything? Shame on you! Zech" Esfir erupted, 'That's why I hate her!'

"NO. No. Karine is my teacher, don't you remember that?" Zech knew that now she won't believe him.

Esfir shook her head then eyes raised, "She is my teacher too." Folding her arms, showed him, she is mad.

"Okay! What is the connection here?" Zech finally got loosened up as the train came to the junction, where his known information kept up. "As Eden was supposed to open here, they did many experiments here...Everything failed."

Realization hit him like a Maglev bullet train, the fastest train in the world. "What? Are you telling, this is one of them?"

"MAYBE." Esfir shrugged and looked at her empty cup.

Nodding his head, Zech stood up for his second cup of coffee. "For me?" Esfir nodded in glee.
"NO." Zech gave a cold reply.

A few minutes later another couple of cups showed up on their table. "Thanks, Zech." Esfir chuckled at his childishness, and continued, "Coming to the point! I am doubting the locations."

"Okay, I can give you some additional info-Karine used to work there until she met with car accident." Zech pointed to his back where the grand frontier of GARC stood majestically.

"Really? Then the chances are high! right?"
"Fifty-fifty, Esha. I'm not sure. You must ask Nadya for further details." Sipping his coffee Zech concluded.

"She hates her late grandmother-You even said she didn't even show up at her funeral, even though she is her only heir."
"She did hate but she might know Karine's work here."
"Oh! okay." Esfir is already thinking about how she'll get information from Nadya.

Zech got message from Hazel, "Where the hell are you both?..." Zech started to read the message, started in a loud voice but the content made him to lower his sound.

"Esha! I think you have got some messages." Zech revived Esfir from her restless mind, full of doubts.

"Yeah. That message you gave will be helpful," Esfir smiled at him.

Zech rolled his eyes which made Esfir dazed, "What? Am I wrong?"

"Check your phone, Esha. You got some messages." Esfir opened her clutch after a quick facepalm, scrolling her notifications.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the commander's office now?" Zech suppressed his smile, as Esfir 's face mortified.

"Ohh... Bleen," Esfir made a quick flight toward the exit. Forgetting her new branded clutch; unfinished coffee; phone, and literally everything. Zech is laughing while collecting their stuff and placing the bill on the table. 'Please, god. Save her.'

"Zech, come fast!" When Zech pushed the exit door, he heard Esfir, who is breathing heavily near his Opel."You only ran to reach my car? I thought you ran to GARC."

Esfir took her clutch from his hands only to beat him with it while he was inserting keys in the mount."Aii..." Zech ran to catch her but she entered the passenger seat before him.

"Ey, Zech. No time for play."

"Who started it?" Zech murmured as he entered the car.

"Go Soon."

He turned the key, engine ignited, and the Opel roared on the highway. Esfir's mind gone blank at the thought of her interrogation results.

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