➥ 20 ⦙ FET

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Secondary Crew is still in the preliminary rounds of check-ups

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Secondary Crew is still in the preliminary rounds of check-ups. "I bet Esfir must be in quarters by now," Marina is having a pep-talk with her Mellow Med, who is conducting her TMT test, "Mam, please concentrate on running. I am increasing the incline mode," he was plagued, because of Marina.

"Hazel, Ahh. Old face."

Hazel turned her head to the sound..."Hazel! Hazel."
"Hey, Marina. I'm coming, shh." Hazel hushed the yelling Marina, but it never works.

"Why are you shouting?"
"Don't get me wrong. I was super excited to see an old face in this hell."
"Hiya! Aren't you on marine team, Where are your friends?"
"They are getting trained in the next chamber, Imma do TMT first."

The Mellow Med, who went for small interval is back with another schedule for Marina looked upset with her audacious. "Excuse me, Madam I told you to concentrate. Don't talk, please." Placing the papers at the desk in resentment, he increased the incline meter.

"Sorry, Doc. Oops," Marina got problem with getting down after a long run.
"Why are you getting down?" Med slowed down the meter.
"I can't move...move," Marina breathed rather than speaking. "You should not come down while running at 4.5 speed," Hazel sounded frustrated as she's helping her to settle in a front couch. Hazel continued, "You are more careless, girl."

'You too Georgian devushka'...Marina thought in her mind. Smiling at her thought, Marina engaged in a conversation.  to ease up--"What? Haven't you completed, it already? Why are you here?"

"I came for folders. Doc asked 'em."

"Oh! I think I need rest."
"Go to next chamber, Madam," The Med don't know the meaning of rest. Grudgingly stood up with the help of Hazel reached the second room for the next tests. Lieutenant. Tengiz passed them with a grim look.--"What happened to your Tengiz," Hazel asked in under tone,only Marina can hear it..."Shh...He is in his regular state only but with extra grim." "Are you sure?"
"Yes, it's my 4th year under his captain-ship."
"Then Eldar must do something to his dismay," Hazel tried to figure out ended up wondering...'What happened now?'


"Esfir. Zech... You guys doing good ah?" Alyona asked when the Batumi trio joined the Science girls in the flatus chamber for FET.

Nadya and Alyona, at the time, concluded her test for a poisonous gas arena. In where they have to survive with limited supply of O2. "Isn't it painful?" Esfir scooted near Nadya, who is in 90° leaning herself against wall, after thirty minutes of Flatus Enduring Test.

"Not at all, just hard to breathe normally," Alyona answered instead of Nadya, who did nod in response.

"I prefer not to get into this shit," Hazel joined them with a tired look.
"This folder got you this much time?"
"Not this," Hazel waved the file in front of Zech.
"Then, What? Zech asked again. "Marina, Esha's friend got me."

Esfir stop caressing Nadya's back at the name..."Is she doing good there?"
"Uhh! girl, she is upset with us" "Ey, What?" Esfir crossed to the cupboard, putting on her helmet and breather supplies. Zech, who is prepared already, turned towards Hazel, as she was silent. He raised his eyebrows in question.

Hazel shrugged off, "She thinks, we're finishing so soon than them." Esfir already watched all the interaction between Zech and Hazel, decided to brush it off. "She might be..." Esfir answered half of her words-'I met her 3 days back.'

With a sigh, "Hazel get ready," Esfir signaled her as the Chamber's door was opened.

The Batumi Trio entered the FET chamber, their last test for the day.

"Whoa!" Esfir turned toward the sound, Hazel is surprised to the core. 'How can she speak?' Esfir tried to speak something but the ventilator on her mouth wouldn't allow her, neither removed, nor Esfir wanted to talk so.

Thirty minutes of reading the folders; Checking the sand types; Examining the surface; Figuring out the hidden object's parts; Calculating the noxious gas ratios; Taking hyperspectral images; Using Archeo sub into the water surface- they are in.

The Trio is exhausted to the core. Nerves cracking behind her head, Esfir couldn't suppress the urge to remove her ventilator. Her heart's beat got slower, she could lean on the surface near water puddle. Panting within the Ventilator, the O2 in the tank decreasing shows the red level-the least level of O2. Leaving Zech speechless was the outcome. All could he do will be pressing the-Emergency/Help- button in the farthest corner of their chamber. "Who will keep this important button there? Fuck 'em off." Only Zech can hear his mind's words.

His level: decreasing point by point.

"Are they seeing us or not?" Hazel signaling the camera in front of her. She's out of the breath as that tank of hers also noted red color level.

Esfir couldn't take it anymore and fainted, the door opened the mere seconds before Zech pressed the button.

All noxious gas has been pumped out through side valve outlets, still, the survivors couldn't take off their Ventilators. slumped into the ground with a thud.

 slumped into the ground with a thud

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