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Not them aware of the float of Mosas heading towards Spawn Island. The lowdown trio can hear the quacks, an indication of mosas' fear.

Tengiz welcomed the worn-out Garry and Esfir at the hole entrance

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Tengiz welcomed the worn-out Garry and Esfir at the hole entrance. Dr.Olga was also there with her team to give them medication if needed.

The others were submarine members and CPs.

"Dimitri is here, so they are all in GARC." Esfir knew this coming.
"Sir, Did you see Zech and Hazel?
"No, dear. We didn't see." Dr.Olga's voice sheeted with concern.
"Dimitriy wants to meet you both," Lt.Tengiz said in a dull voice. Garry felt, 'something fishy.'

They met Dimitri at the conference hall.

"You two made it, I guess."

"Yes, Ser."
Garry sounded weary. Esfir settled with a nod.

"Okay, others are gonna die, or?..." His sarcasm is narcissistic.

"Ser, Why are you saying that?" Eldar asked. Esfir's eyebrows shoot up 'cause of his concern.
"Hey, those losers! Shit. They went inside that black hole again."

Eldar doesn't even know what to say. Stood with head held down. They might be alive, was only his thought. Ex-chief.Eldar just wants this project to end, so he could resign.

"First time you survived. But chances are less for next," Dimitri eyed Tengiz, "You did give them new technical supports. Prove me wrong."

"Ser, My order was to provide them with whatever they need. So, I adhered to it," Lt.Tengiz answered. Garry's lips curl up,' He dodged the bullet like a pro.'

"Disperse. Send one submarine to bring back those idiots. I don't want to get nagged by media and govt." Dimitriy sent off them in anger.

He replied to his daughter's message,

If you let them kill those eggs, your mother will not survive.

Alyona, who is in the forgotten submarine, read the text and dropped the phone. With shaking hands, she typed some keys, Missile Locked --displayed on the screen.

Nadya, who is watching behind her sucked her breath. Alyona turned to see the direction of the sound, no one. Nadya quickly dragged herself to the side wall. "Why she's locking the missile?" Only whispers came out. Shit. Nadya ran towards the submariner deck.


Left Out members entered into that Black hole (acc.Dimitriy). The Sub-marine with newly added features started its journey within mere minutes of the departure of Garry and Esfir. The residue members are waiting in Georgia's Navy Head Quarters. Just three km from GARC, because the submarine will come to this coast, Batumi port is the nearest to the received coordinates. Lt.Tengiz has to send Stenky Submarine and Patrol Support boat for rescue.

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