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My Eyes could see only the highway, the black road...leading to our fatal death.

Frustration. Helpless. Overwhelming. Anxious.
I can't tell which emotions or mood, I'm experiencing. Both are different but are interrelated.

But, Nadya you were an idiot, you couldn't even stop your father, when he ill-treated your bebo. You were the one, who tossed her precious gifts into trash-before her eyes. You killed her that day itself, but later cried, when the GARC, announced her death by car accident.
What are you? When you was a granddaughter to her? When you treated her like she's your Bebo?


My inner voice is a Bitch, she didn't even have mercy. She's tormenting my mind, since, I witnessed Olga bebo's misery at hospital.

You didn't even with her in her last days, Now, You're shamelessly living in her mansion-That too without her.


Bitch is laughing in front of me.

How many times, she called you?

Please, Nadi, Please. Don't go. Please stay. Stay with Bebo. Don't you forget my adventure stories you will hear before bed.

Nadya left.

I'm feeling alone. Please comeback, Nadi. Comeback to your Bebo.

Last words of Bebo, three months before her accident.

"I AM SORRY, BEBO" My eyes burning, tears blocking my vision, I felt warm liquids flowing through my cheeks. Draining my hands, which is on the steering. Weeping is contagious, I couldn't stop it. Hands are my sole partner, it holds me, hugs me, cradles my head.

Dizziness closing my eyes...

Ringtone ended my carefree slumber, Where I am?
"Who is calling me?" yawning stopped in mid after the caller ID Kiddo, displayed.

"What the heck?"

Time is 12:03 PM. I started at 10:13 AM. I have to report at 11:00 AM. How many hours, I slept?

Ring stopped, I dailed back, It says the line is busy. "Shit."
I started the car.

I got another ring, it's from Zech. "I can't answer him."
Third call from Esfir. "Hello, Es.."
"Thank god, you're alive." I wish I am not.
"Don't say anything, I'm waiting for you since, 10, Where the hell are you?"
"I'm on my way, wait at parking lot, Be alone."

I replaced my foot from the break to accelerator. Stem cell folders blow from the dashboard to the seat. Touching the initials of Bebo on the page, reminded me of her professionalism.

EMBRYONUC STEM CELLS~~Folder name, "Bebo, Gmadlobt!"

Back to reality.

What they had inside? Strays

Now, they're sending us. I couldn't let that happen. My speed was over the limit. But I don't care. When those idiots will die. Why did they choose us? I pulled up in the parking.

"Nadya, Why are you late?" Esfir is waiting for me. "Get inside" She hop on to the passenger seat. "Esha, listen carefully..."

I told her everything. She cried, "This gego, Stop it, girl"

"What are we gonna do?"
"Where is Zech?" 'he'll help us' was my only belief.

Esfir told me Gabi's hidden details. All I could believe was, "We should come out alive, Nadya." Esha agreed with me. We entered the hallway of GARC.

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