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The housekeeper, who looks after the mansion after bebo passed away came early in the morning to wake up the already-woken Nadya

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The housekeeper, who looks after the mansion after bebo passed away came early in the morning to wake up the already-woken Nadya. "Did you sleep well?" Nodding her head in answer, Nadya went straight to the study.

She collected the papers and books again. Doing the stuff again.

' If you didn't do it right, then you'll get chances to do 'em, until god wants in his ways...'
rang in her mind.

"Your words," she squeaked at Karine rather than cursing. she at least respected her. Nadya stepped on a journal.. "Es diary!" tossed it on the table. "Bebo's diary, hmm."

This time, sacked all the books and folders in several boxes and secured them with tape.Eventually threw them into the distant corner of the room. "DONE."

Vacuuming the place for the second time,she realized her energy decreasing. "Bum, need some snacks?"
As she Whistled, Bum joined her on the stairs. "Gmadlobt...they filled my fridge".

Pet bowl and the food--made Bum jumping with tiny happy woofs. "Now it's breakfast time..arghh". 'I wish I was a pet like you Bum.' Nadya walked into the restroom to refresh. After ten minutes of draining the energyless energy in her body...she joined Bum. He sat back and waiting for her to reload the bowl. Ruffling it's fur, she added another bowl of Chappi, it's favorite.

Switching on the coffee maker with a mouthful of bread. No time for biting, she just piled up whatever she had. 'It's gonna be a big day at site.' Sipping her coffee, she started her vacuuming routine at the study.

Time for a cold shower...Nadya checked her in the mirror after the bath. Many acne and patches. Again. "Time for cleanser, toner, and serum...Ughh!" Who invented these? Need some blush, of course she needed. Hair tied up loose and pulled up her grey coat with a proud look in the mirror, admiring herself. One of Nadya's favorite tasks.

"Which shoes? hmm..."
While she was wondering on shoes, her phone rang, annoyed her. 'Who in morning itself?'

A call from Zech, the tech.
"Hello?, Who's this?" Nadya asked like as if she don't know.
"Eldar's assistant is speaking."
"What, Sir? I am sorry, I thought it's my friend." Nadya sat in her bed with a dead look.
"Shut it!"
One could felt the simmering irritation on the other end.
Nadya checked the ID again, 'It's him only, uff!' She made her way to check boots again.
After a pause, "Ahem. Eldar is already here, care to join?" Again Zech interrupted.
'Tsk, how these fellas are managing time?'
"Tell 'em to start the procedure, I'm driving".
"Don't lie to me in the morning itself, don't forget to lock the door," Zech tried to suppress his snickers after he ended the call. 'She and her instant lies.'

Sheepish girl chose her boots and put Bum in its house; filled his feeder; checked his waterer. "Hmm, raising you is not easy Bum. Be safe and use your pee room until I'm back--I'll walk you outside today evening." She locked the main door.

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