Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 Ability

    Chen Jiajia knew what a zombie was.

    There are many novels and movies about zombies in this era, and Chen Jiajia happens to be one of the people who like this kind of subject matter. To be honest, a large part of Shen Yu's knowledge about zombies comes from Chen Jiajia dragging her to watch them. Zombie movie.

    But no one thought that zombies would suddenly appear in real life.

    At this time, Chen Jiajia really hoped that Shen Yu could give her a negative answer, but she only saw Shen Yu nodding: "Yes, there are many zombies outside, so we have to be careful." Chen Jiajia wanted to say it was impossible, and wanted to ask Shen

    Yu Was Yu joking with her? However, Shen Yu's solemn expression had already explained everything, even their coma just now was obviously extremely abnormal, and that...the sky that darkened in an instant.

    "What... what should we do?" Chen Jiajia was at a loss.

    She is just an ordinary girl, she likes the excitement of zombie movies, but she doesn't want to experience live zombie movies! How can a girl with weak fighting power like her survive in the zombie apocalypse?

    Chen Jiajia said that the funeral is the funeral, Shen Yu saw that she still knew how to chew the chocolate in her hand, so she ignored her, and went to the balcony first.

    The conditions of their school are very good. The balcony is the kind that protrudes from the outside and is not surrounded by glass.

    The door leading to the balcony was open, Shen Yu stood at the door to look around before going out, and her hairs stood on end when she saw it.

    On the balcony on the left near them, there was a zombie lying on the corpse and biting it. The loud scream that Shen Yu heard before should be from that corpse. She was about to walk away boldly. When I went out, I saw that the zombie's gnawing movement suddenly stopped, and then it got up from the ground stiffly, its limbs seemed to be not in control, and it walked slowly.

    And the corpse on the ground... moved?

    The corpse moved for a moment, and then got up, turned into a zombie? !

    This zombie was bitten many times during its lifetime. Its arms, legs, neck, and even its face were bitten, half of its nose was bitten, and its face was covered with blood. At this time, it stood up unsteadily, and its movements were slow and staggering. Several times, it was obviously because of the injury on its body that affected its movements, but it also stood up, and because it was bitten on its stomach a few times, and its intestines fell out.

    Shen Yu felt a surge of nausea, her face turned pale.

    A dream is a dream, and reality is reality. No matter how real the dream is, no matter how clearly it can be remembered, it is still different from reality.

    These zombies... really challenge people's psychological endurance.

    Suppressing the feeling of vomiting, Shen Yu forced herself to stare at the zombie. She needs to get used to the appearance of the zombie, at least she won't be scared to move after seeing it.

    Two zombies were wandering around on the balcony. Shen Yu felt numb from nausea and gradually became acceptable, so she came back lightly.

    After all this time, Chen Jiajia calmed down after eating the chocolate. Although her eyes and nose were still red, at least her thinking ability had returned. She watched Shen Yu standing at the door as if in a daze and did not dare to disturb her. She just waited When she came back, she asked in a low voice: "Will someone come to rescue us?

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