Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 Mutated Plants!

    Shen Yu's reaction was fast enough. After she shouted, she believed that her Lu Xingyue and Chen Jiajia's reactions were also fast enough, and the three of them ran outside almost instantly.

    However, after all, they had walked quite a distance. After hearing Shen Yu's shout, the soldiers froze for a moment and quickly retreated. They retreated in time, but Shen Yu and the others were too late.

    A vine as thick as a human's arm appeared in front of them, and the vine that broke through the ground stopped Shen Yu and the others, twisting and showing off their might.

    Shen Yu: "..."

    She is probably the only one who encountered mutant animals in the first three days of the end of the world, right? In the next few days, she didn't meet a single mutant animal.

    As a result, she has encountered even fewer mutated plants than mutated animals, and she seems to be eyeing them. What's going on?

    Shen Yu really discovered the mutated plant when he was warning the exit, mainly because the mutated plant was too good at hiding his aura, so he couldn't tell anything just by looking at it like this.

    And she found something wrong when she put the rattan to dig out the crystal nucleus. The crystal nucleus in the zombie's brain was gone, and there was a small hole in the brain.

    It's almost like the hole she poked out with the cane.

    At that time, Shen Yu knew something was wrong, she wanted to quit and make plans at that time, how did she know that she didn't have time to run out?

    Now that she saw the vines of the mutated plants, her expression became even uglier.

    "This is... a plant?" Lu Xingyue's expression turned ugly.

    And the faces of the soldiers who retreated in time were also very ugly, and Zhou Ping even ignored his own safety and went to the gate to look at Shen Yu and the others.

    Captain Xu had a fireball in his hand, his face was solemn.

    It stands to reason that plants are afraid of fire, and his fireball throwing out is useful, but Shen Yu and the others are still inside after all, what if they are also affected?

    "It seems that it is difficult for us to run out." Shen Yu took a deep breath, and she looked at Chen Jiajia: "Jiajia, be careful later, if you have a chance, run out and cooperate with Captain Xu and the others." "

    Little You can run away." Chen Jiajia said: "After all, you are a wood-type supernatural being, so you should be able to influence it?" "Be

    obedient." Shen Yu's eyes became serious, and her tone was serious: "I suspect... It is mainly after me."

    Shen Yu's voice behind the words was very low, only Chen Jiajia and Lu Xingyue heard it.

    Lu Xingyue's pupils shrank, but Chen Jiajia didn't believe it: "How could it be?"

    She also hoped it wasn't.

    But Shen Yu could feel that the target of this mutated plant was always on her. Because of the wood-type ability, she could actually have a slight sense of the plant.

    This plant was too hostile to her, Shen Yu suspected that if he dared to run outside, the vines would follow.

    Then everyone outside will also be in danger.

    Shen Yu needed help from outsiders, but he didn't use this method of dragging everyone into the water to ask them to help.

    What's more, if they are really dragged into the water, how can they help? Being swallowed by mutated plants makes the mutated plants stronger?

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