Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 The target is her?

    Shen Yu's voice was not low, she was the focus of the crowd, so Zhou Ping noticed her immediately when she pointed her finger to the right, and he said decisively, "Let's go over." He ordered decisively, without any

    doubt Shen Yu's judgment, and Lu Xingyue's reaction was faster, he quickly moved to Shen Yu's side, blocking most of the vine attacks for her.

    The wood-type supernatural user in the team came back almost immediately, and ran to the location Shen Yu said.

    As long as the location is determined, the scope of his search is much smaller, and after approaching the past, he also feels the difference.

    So he quickly determined the identity of the mutated plant.

    Zhou Ping looked at the disgruntled morning glory vine with yellow leaves. Even though he had a steady personality, he couldn't help but ask, "Are you sure it's it? Isn't it some plant next to it?" "It's it."

    That The young man with the wood ability definitely nodded, and directly attacked.

    A vine suddenly sprang out in front of the dismal-looking Morning Glory, which was about to die. It was not very similar to the vine that attacked them before, it could only be said to be exactly the same.

    Perhaps because he knew he had been discovered, this morning glory didn't pretend anymore, it became energetic instantly, and the leaves turned green.

    However, its size has not changed, and it still looks like a thin morning glory. It seems to be no different from the morning glory before the end of the world, and it is even blooming. If it is not seen at such a weird time, it It looks pretty good.

    But people all came in front of it, and after the wood-type supernatural being, other people also began to attack one after another.

    It didn't have many vines to attack Zhou Ping and the others. If Chen Jiajia didn't stop them from rushing to Shen Yu's side, they would go to help Shen Yu after they dealt with the vines. Therefore, they came here without any hindrance at this time. up.

    There were quite a few vines of the mutated morning glory, but too many belonged to Shen Yu. It didn't expect that it would be discovered suddenly, so it could only hastily pull out the vines and come back to protect itself.

    But the closer it was to it, the more flexible the vines were, and it could use more vines, so it still blocked all attacks directed at it.

    It's just that the vines were cut down badly.

    As for Shen Yu, as the vines were almost pulled back, she could finally take a breather.

    Sweat dripped from her forehead, Lu Xingyue supported her by the side, but Shen Yu shook his head slightly, and gently pushed him away: "I'm fine, you go and help them."

    Lu Xingyue frowned: "Are you looking okay?"

    "I'm really okay, but I'm a little out of strength." Shen Yu smiled helplessly: "Although the mutated plant is targeting me, it can't protect itself now and has no time to take care of me. Even if it can Attack me, one or two vines won't affect me much."

    Lu Xingyue still didn't move.

    Shen Yu said: "Although Jiajia is a second-level supernatural power user, her supernatural powers are not very aggressive now. I will pass after I take a break. You don't have to worry about me." Lu Xingyue was persuaded by Shen Yu in the

    end , he went there, and Shen Yu saw that the vines danced faster.

    But Shen Yu lowered his eyes and looked at the sections of vines that were still bouncing slightly after being cut off on the ground, and slowly approached, those lively vines on the ground disappeared.

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