Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 Three Zombies

    Shen Yu didn't hide the fact that she had supernatural powers from Chen Jiajia. After she washed the dishes, she calmly told Chen Jiajia. Regarding this, Chen Jiajia's mouth opened wide in disbelief: "So... actually have supernatural powers? Then do I have supernatural powers?"

    "You can try the feeling of sinking your heart." Shen Yu guided Chen Jiajia a little according to his meager experience, and Chen Jiajia started the experiment with full concentration.

    One second, three seconds, ten seconds, one minute...

    Time passed slowly, and just as Chen Jiajia was about to give up, a small stream of water suddenly sprouted from her fingertips.

    "Huh?" Chen Jiajia only felt her legs get cold, and when she opened her eyes, she saw that her legs were wet.

    "Me? Why are my legs wet?" Chen Jiajia looked at Shen Yu blankly, with tiny expectations in her eyes.

    Shen Yu hugged her hard, with a bright smile on his face: "Congratulations, Jiajia, you should have water-related abilities." Does

    she have abilities?

    She is also a superhuman?

    Can she stop holding her friend back?

    Chen Jiajia's eyes were red again, but this time the crying was easy, she was weeping with joy, and she was crying when she saw the slightest light from the previous road.

    "Okay, this is a good thing. After having the supernatural power, I found that my physical fitness seems to be much better. If we are stronger and run faster, our safety will be higher." Shen Yu comforted.

    "You're right." Chen Jiajia took a deep breath and slowly calmed down. She was still in tears, but smiled brightly: "Xiaoyu, with me here, we will never be short of water." "Yes!

    " Yu nodded vigorously.

    After Chen Jiajia calmed down a bit, she went to the bathroom to find a bucket to fill in the water. About one-third of the bucket was filled, that is, about 5 liters of water.

    "Hiss..." Although Chen Jiajia was uncomfortable, she was very satisfied: "If I add more water a few times a day, then the two of us can not only drink water, but also take a shower as much as we want!"

    "Jiajia is amazing." Shen Yu smiled softly and patted her head: "But you can't let the water out like this outside. If you feel uncomfortable, it will affect your state. You go to rest now, and we will leave tomorrow morning."

    " Okay, I'll sleep for two hours, and then you call me to get up and pack my things." Chen Jiajia didn't refuse, she really had a severe headache.

    Chen Jiajia, who woke up two hours later, had already recovered enough energy, and she felt that her powers had also recovered. The first thing she did when she woke up was to put about one-fifth of a bucket of water. This amount did not affect her state. Hurry up to pack things, and ask Chen Yu while doing it: "Xiaoyu, how big is your space? Is it as big as a balcony?" "Well...bigger than a balcony,

    not smaller than our dormitory."

    "... Xiaoyu, You are amazing." After being dazed, Chen Jiajia became excited: "I can bring all these things in the dormitory if I want, right?" "Yes

    ." Shen Yu answered in the affirmative.

    "Bring this dress too... this skirt... well, it may be useful at any time, it can be used as a quilt, and this..." Chen Jiajia muttered, knowing that Shen Yu had a lot of space, these things Can't bear to stay here.

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