Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

    XX High School is about one kilometer away from the community. Usually, it takes more than ten or twenty minutes to walk for this kilometer, but now it is not a simple distance.

    Knowing that Shen Yu has spatial abilities, Fang Yuan can take all the necessary things at home, but he also prepared three bags outside to hide the eyes and ears, and he and Fang's father and mother asked Shen Yu to bring more things. Not much, unlike Chen Jiajia and Shen Yu who emptied the dormitory together.

    Fang Yuan's family has a car, and there is half a tank of gas, but this car is just a very ordinary car, which is different from Lu Xingyue's super aggressive off-road, that is to say, you can't use this car to drive around, otherwise I'm afraid they won't be able to get out for two hundred meters.

    Since they have cars, they still give priority to driving.

    Shen Yu and the others plus Fang Yuan's parents made a total of six people. There were originally five people in this car, but after all, it is not the same as before, and there will be no traffic police to check the car, so in the end it was Fang Yuan who drove, Lu Xingyue took the co-pilot, and Shen Yu Sitting in the back seat with Chen Jiajia on both sides of the window, Fang's father and Fang's mother sat in the middle.

    The back seat was a bit crowded, but Fang's father and Fang's mother squeezed each other as much as possible, leaving more room for Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia.

    Although this car may be relatively fragile and cannot hit too many zombies, but a few scattered ones are fine.

    Fang Yuan has become more courageous along the way, and he has also gained a lot of strange experience of bumping into zombies. He went on a rampage all the way, and seeing that the front of the car seemed to be deformed, he couldn't help sighing.

    So it makes sense that some cars are expensive. For example, Lu Xingyue's car, how could it be deformed after hitting so many zombies?

    If it was just surrounded by zombies, then they were lucky, but it didn't take long for them to encounter a traffic jam.

    And there are many zombies around.

    "Can you make a detour?" Lu Xing asked in a deep voice.

    "The other two roads are usually full of people." Fang Yuan gritted his teeth.

    There are a lot of people, and after the end of the world, it is equivalent to a lot of zombies.

    But there are many zombies ahead...

    "It should be only two or three hundred meters away from the gathering point?" Lu Xingyue estimated the distance.

    "It's about the same." Fang Yuan hesitated: "You mean..."

    "Get out of the car and walk."

    The sound of the car made the surrounding zombies gradually gather around, Lu Xingyue was the first to get out of the car, and he swung the iron rod It hit the zombie's head directly, and Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia also got out of the car. When the two of them killed the zombies before, they used the saber very smoothly. Although Shen Yu's left hand was injured, her right hand was still flexible. The quality seems to have improved a bit.

    This makes her more handy when facing zombies, and the injury on her left hand seems to recover very quickly.

    As for Chen Jiajia, after the upgrade, her physical strength and speed are also stronger, and her aim is also better. Now, like Shen Yu, she is working hard to practice the poking skills to reduce the physical strength consumed on zombies.

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