Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

    There are four to five million zombies gathered around U City. Even if Shen Yu has improved a lot, even under great pressure, Lu Xingyue and the others have been promoted again. When they reach level five, even if the surrounding bases are Helping each other, hot weapons are pouring out like money, but it is already five days after killing this wave of zombies.

    Shen Yu has hardly slept these five days, her ten abilities have formed a circle by itself, and she finds that her ability pool is bottomless, and the speed at which she uses abilities cannot even compare to the speed at which she recovers them .

    After killing this wave of zombies, the human side has a few million more crystal nuclei. What we need to do now is to make more crystal nucleus purification potions to improve their strength faster.

    Shen Yu and the others were the ones who gained the most, but Shen Yu only needed a small part of the crystal cores for Xiaoteng as snacks, and the rest was either given to Lu Xingyue and the others, or given to the surrounding bases, or given to Beijing. Someone from the city base brought it back.

    The group of people from the base in Beijing who drove the helicopter caught up with the cleanup after Shen Yu fell into a coma, and did not face the zombie king directly. Get them together, ready to start cleaning up the zombies.

    Shen Yu didn't start to clean up with U City as the center, she contacted Grandpa Shen, asked where the zombies were more dangerous and needed to be cleaned up, and ran over there.

    Those who followed Shen Yu killed zombies like chicken blood. You must know that when Shen Yu awakened the tenth ability, her ability automatically reached the tenth level, and the tenth ability was a spiritual ability. , it is also because of the spiritual power that Shen Yu can leave the body mentally to help the white light ball.

    Therefore, Shen Yu with tenth-level light ability is a super powerful nurse. When their front feet were injured, Shen Yu healed their back feet. Who would be afraid in this situation?

    All of them frantically killed zombies, and they didn't hold back at all.

    They were in charge of cleaning up the large wave of zombies. As for the hidden fragments of zombies, Shen Yu didn't waste time on it.

    To deal with the most dangerous wave of zombies in the three cities that were about to form a wave of zombies besieging the base, Shen Yu went back to Beijing first.

    This time, she can directly use the power of light to protect others, and use the power of space to transfer directly to Beijing City, saving a lot of time.

    It was when he appeared directly at the base in Beijing that he surprised the others.

    "You go back first. If there is no emergency, I will rest for three days. After three days, you still want to go out with us and wait for us here at eight o'clock in the morning." After Shen Yu finished speaking, the figure disappeared, and he went back to find Grandpa Shen first. up.

    After spending three days with Grandpa Shen and resting for three days, Shen Yu took the position given by the base in Shangjing and set off again.

    Start cleaning up from the most dangerous ones, and then move to other cities little by little. The scattered zombies are completely ignored. Her goal is a large wave of zombies.

    After cleaning up the country, Shen Yu started to go abroad again.

    At this time, the foreign countries already know that Huaguo has such a big killer as Shen Yu, and they are all begging Shen Yu to come over. Although Shen Yu and the leadership of Huaguo have reached a consensus, they will definitely help human compatriots, but there are some things We still have to talk about it.

    But none of that had anything to do with Shen Yu. When they were talking, Shen Yu was killing zombies. When they finished talking, Shen Yu changed the place to kill zombies.

    When most of the zombies are cleaned up, the remaining small number of zombies need to be found and cleaned up by the survivors in the location slowly and bit by bit.

    Shen Yu could finally go home.

    And at this time, the white ball of light appeared again.

    "Hi, you cleaned up most of the intruders, hiccup, that's awesome, hiccup, I deserve to restart the world line to save you, hiccup."

    It may be too full, and it hiccups four or five times with one sentence.

    "I just woke up, hiccup, look at you, hiccup, it's fine, hiccup, I'm going to upgrade, hiccup, everything you need to know is here, hiccup, look for yourself, hiccup, don't look for me if you're okay."

    After speaking, the little milk voice disappeared.

    At the same time, Shen Yu also received the news from it.

    It—to be precise, the consciousness of the plane—was invaded by a certain plane during the last week.

    This invasion led to the outbreak of the doomsday, with hordes of zombies. When humans died and fell down, they turned into zombies again, becoming invaders contaminated with the energy of the hostile plane.

    Shen Yu is the most special one among them.

    Her physique is naturally close to the power of the plane. In the last week, the experienced hostile plane first found Shen Yu, turned her into a zombie king, and used her to destroy the world.

    When it was about to be destroyed, the original plane activated the self-rescue system - restarting the world line to break through the existing plane level.

    When it was restarted, the original plane had selfish intentions, and Shen Yu's 'rebirth' was only half. It found Shen Yu as quickly as possible, and then crazily added golden fingers to her.

    After experiencing a powerful instillation of power from a hostile plane, Shen Yu is more suitable to accept the power of the plane, and...Because he has been instilled with the power of the hostile plane, and when the world line is restarted, Shen Yu is the only one who is special. Human beings who still have the power of the hostile opposite side are the magic weapon for victory in this plane.

    — Let her help devour the power of the hostile plane.

    So there is everything behind.

    The hostile plane also wanted to occupy Shen Yu's special container, so the mutated animals and plants Shen Yu encountered, as well as the tide of zombies, as well as Xiao Chengguang and Chu Yang, were all weapons of the hostile plane.

    And the plane also found Shen Xin and the Taoist priest with difficulty, and asked them to help her.

    ...That's right, neither Shen Xin nor Taoist priests are very suitable people to help.

    When the plane upgrade is turned on, if the plane upgrade is unsuccessful, the original plane will still die, but it can be upgraded after swallowing the invading plane.

    All the crises are over, and Shen Yu, who has two planes of energy in his body, is also the most special existence among human beings.

    "So... we can live a good life." Shen Yu smiled.

    "What?" Lu Xingyue didn't quite hear Shen Yu's words.

    Shen Yu's smile became bigger and bigger: "I said, it's really good now, the zombies will be cleaned up one day, and the reconstruction of the city should start." "Yes,

    everything is developing in a good way." Lu Xing Quietly, he held Shen Yu's hand tentatively: "That's good, isn't it?"

    Shen Yu didn't shake off Lu Xingyue's hand, but instead squeezed back slightly: "Yes, that's good."

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