Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 The Small Store

    Shen Yu didn't plan to go back to the dormitory. Originally, if there were only her and Chen Jiajia, she was planning to go back to the dormitory. She remembered that there were glass water glasses in the dormitory, and throwing them down could attract zombies.

    But before she left, she deliberately locked the door of the dormitory, just to minimize the possible attention - after all, her dormitory was too clean.

    Now she has brought someone she doesn't know, of course she won't go.

    When those people went upstairs before, they probably didn't stop there. The zombies on the second floor were still there, so Shen Yu simply went straight to the second floor.

    The sticks in her and Chen Jiajia's hands were still there, and there were only three zombies on the second floor. Before Shen Yu went in, he asked the black-haired young man for sure: "Is it okay for you to kill a zombie alone?" The black-haired young man nodded silently


    Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia looked at each other, nodded, and said to the black-haired young man, "One for each person, and the innermost one is for you." "


    The black-haired young man moved quickly, and brought The blowing wind caused the two approaching zombies to turn their heads slowly, and he had already met the innermost zombie.

    Of course, Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia would not lose the chain at such a time, and they rushed forward.

    The black-haired young man rushed over from the boys' dormitory with others, and he was familiar with dealing with zombies. Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia also had experience. It took only a minute for them to have three zombies.

    But when Shen Yu looked at it this way, he stared at... the iron pipe of the black-haired young man's cell phone.

    The iron pipe is good, it is much more lethal than the wooden stick, and the iron pipe looks as long as an arm, not as thick as Shen Yu's wrist, so it should be easy to hold.

    It may be that Shen Yu's eyes are too obvious, the black-haired young man glanced back at Shen Yu, and then quickly looked away.

    "Student, where did you find this iron pipe?" Shen Yu looked at the iron pipe without blinking, without giving him a look at all.

    "..." The black-haired young man pursed his lips and said nothing.

    "Is it convenient to say? Forget it." Shen Yu struggled to look away, and smiled politely at the black-haired young man.

    "No." The black-haired young man lowered his eyes, "I did it, if you want... I will do it for you later." "

    You did it?" Shen Yu responded: "You are also a supernatural person? Your supernatural power Control metal?"

    No wonder.

    Where did this dangerous item come from in their university? It would be normal if it was a supernatural power.

    The black-haired young man acquiesced, Shen Yu thought for a while, and smiled at the black-haired young man: "Then can I trouble you to make me and my friend a handy weapon? We will pay a suitable reward." "

    ... Good." The black-haired youth nodded in agreement.

    "Get to know me, my name is Shen Yu, and this is my good friend Chen Jiajia." Now that we are about to cooperate, Shen Yu introduced himself, took a look around, and asked the black-haired young man: "Is there a way to open a door?" Is it?

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