Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 Dangerous! Mutant Lizard!

    Shen Yu had a very inexplicable intuition that it was difficult for her to deal with the guy who made such a big commotion. She still remembered that she was injured by zombies and turned into a zombie king. She didn't want to be a zombie king. Of course, she might not be able to cope with it. The danger here is farther away, she is going to enter the end of the world, not to be sent to death by iron.

    But she is cautious enough, it doesn't mean there is no danger.

    Because the guy behind obviously didn't want to let her go.

    Shen Yu had already increased her speed to the extreme, and Chen Jiajia also ran quickly after the initial enlightenment. She didn't need her to slow down her speed, but Chen Jiajia was still in a daze: "Little fish, you..."

    " It's over, it's too late." Hearing a loud bang behind him, Shen Yu's scalp exploded, and he couldn't help but glance back, and saw a... lizard? Crocodile?

    Should it be a lizard?

    It should be three meters long, the skin all over the body is swollen, it looks like it is covered with pimples, and the eyes are that kind of eye-catching red. After Shen Yu got the supernatural power, his five senses became more acute, and his eyes became better. , so she could see the bulge on the lizard's skin... like it was growing scales.

    What kind of monster is this?

    Why does a small supermarket have this monster?     Shen Yu couldn't help but look back, Chen Jiajia of course also looked back, this time she

    staggered, and then the speed broke out and crazily pulled Shen Yu forward: "Come on, what is this?"

There were zombies walking around here and there, Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia originally hoped that the lizard would be attracted by the zombies, but it was obvious that the lizard was not interested in those ugly zombies, but was more interested in Shen Yu and the two of them, so it broke out After that, he was in a daze for a few seconds, and after sweeping his gaze, he chased after Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia.

    "Ahhhhhh it's coming!" Chen Jiajia lowered her screams, but her crying voice was brought out: "We can't beat this thing, right?" It's

    hard to beat.

    But even if they run like this, it is difficult for them to run past.

    Shen Yu pursed her lips and said in a low voice: "Let's lead to an open and suitable place, let's...try."

    Chen Jiajia nodded, and the two changed their direction tacitly.

    Originally, they subconsciously ran towards the community, but now they brought such a big guy to the community... Isn't that harmful?

    Chen Jiajia and Shen Yu are actually not familiar with this area, Chen Jiajia is now running with Shen Yu, and Shen Yu is running to the place where he walked yesterday.

    If she remembers correctly, they passed a square yesterday, and there were a lot of zombies in that square, but there was a big platform in the square, and you needed to walk up the stairs. Now that zombies can't climb stairs, the zombies on that platform are not not much.

    Shen Yu's goal was there.

    "It's so fast, will we be caught up by it?" Chen Jiajia cried.

    It was indeed running extremely fast. Originally, it was 50 meters away from Shen Yu and the others, but now it was only 30 meters away.

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