Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 Mass Awakening Ability

    Thanks to Shen Yu's yelling fast, the man tried his best to stop, but he still cut on the vine, tore a layer of skin on the vine, and the vine straightened instantly, facing the person who made the move.

    "Don't hurt people!" Shen Yu scolded, and he clearly felt the grievance from the vines.

    She rubbed between her eyebrows and said, "I'll cure it for you. Kill the zombies first, okay?"

    The vines were aggrieved, and turned to vent their anger on the zombies. A vine passed through the bodies of two zombies. Random killing.

    "You can control the mutated plants?" Zhou Ping walked to Shen Yu's side at some point. He was also injured on his arm, and the wound turned purple, obviously infected by the zombie virus.

    "This is the seed of the mutated plant from before." Shen Yu said, "I gave birth to it, don't worry, I can feel that I can control it." Not only can he control it,

    Shen Yu can also feel that it is Absorbing the zombie crystal nucleus crazily, the purest part of it seems to have been fed back to her. The abilities in her body are not only full now, but also growing slowly.

    Shen Yu tried to transfer the wood-type abilities to the mutated plants she spawned, and the mutated plants immediately conveyed happiness and the emotion of wanting to eat, and killed the zombies even harder.     Zombies are not interested in mutated plants, they are interested in flesh and blood, all the zombies are still rushing to rush to the roof of the car, and then the mutated plants have grown, there are twenty or thirty vines alone, and one vine can string two or three at a time Only the zombies, and the remaining few hundred zombies were completely eliminated by the mutated plants without being able to rush to the roof of the car.     Of course, the crystal nuclei of all zombies are gone.     Of course, it was impossible to eat so many crystal nuclei at once, most of them were hidden by the mutated plants and were unwilling to take them out, and after it killed the zombies, it began to act like a baby with Shen Yu.     To be honest, the vines of the mutated plants are now as thick as Shen Yu's thighs, twisting a vine to wrap around Shen Yu's body, Shen Yu is still stable, but Zhou Ping, Chen Jiajia and others who are beside Shen Yu can't. .

    But now that their physical strength and abilities are exhausted, they don't dare to move around, for fear that they will stimulate the mutated plants, and they won't be able to resist.

    Shen Yu is not afraid of the vines of the mutated plants, because she tried to control the mutated plants before, which is the same as controlling the supernatural vines spawned by herself. The only difference is that the mutated plants can attack independently, and when they attack independently It will consume Shen Yu's abilities.

    If you can control it, you don't need to be afraid.

    Shen Yu allowed the mutated plants to get close to her, and gave the mutated plants some wood-type abilities.

    It may be because of her wood-type ability, the mutated plant is particularly fond of her wood-type ability, and began to act like a baby with her again.

    Shen Yu: "..."

    "Okay, we have to take a break, can you help us to prevent the wind?" The

    mutated plants shook, and the vines spread out in an instant, covering all the vehicles.

    Seeing that the mutated plants did listen to Shen Yu's words, Zhou Ping and the others felt relieved, but they looked around and fell into silence.

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