Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 The Granary

    After knowing that Shen Yu was very talented in gun practice, she had an extra gun with a lot of bullets in her hand.

    Of course, her bullets can be placed in the space, anyway, she won't carry too many things in her hand to consume her physical strength.

    At the beginning, Shen Yu was not familiar with using a gun, but soon she became proficient, and even adjusted a more suitable and comfortable posture to use the gun.

    Because of the bug-like improvement in physical fitness and vision improvement, Shen Yu can basically shoot continuously in the back.

    She can stand it physically, and her eyesight is good enough.

    In this regard, Captain Xu expressed envy and jealousy.

    This supernatural person is good, if only he is also a supernatural person.

    "Suck, Captain Xu, why are you on fire?" Fang Yuan happened to be being pointed out by Captain Xu, but they only had five bullets for non-supernatural beings, so he only shot carefully.

    Who knew that Captain Xu next to him suddenly caught fire, and he was almost burned.

    "Ah?" Captain Xu was also taken aback. He looked down and saw that his clothes were on fire. He was so excited that he didn't even notice that he didn't feel any pain from being burned. His face was full of panic and he wanted to pat the fire out.

    "Zi" - this is Chen Jiajia helping to put out the fire.

    "You should have awakened abilities." Shen Yu looked at Captain Xu, paused, then moved his eyes from his tattered clothes to his face, and said, "Congratulations, Captain Xu." "Ah?

    " The captain didn't expect that he was just jealous of people's awakening of supernatural powers, and now he has awakened himself, he was stunned: "Why did I become a supernatural power?" Shen Yu: "..." She looked at


    Xu in a daze With a dazed look, he reminded: "Did you bring any clothes? By the way, you can try to control the ability first, so as not to burn another set of clothes."

    Captain Xu: "..." blushing silently.

    But awakening powers is a good thing. After the initial embarrassment passed, Captain Xu became excited. He began to learn to control his own powers. Fortunately, there are four people with powers here—except Shen Yu and the other three. There is also a member of the army who also has the ability, which is the same wood-type ability as Shen Yu.

    With the help of the four ability users, he can quickly control his abilities smoothly.

    Then the two girls, Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia, turned to avoid, and Captain Xu quickly changed his clothes, and began to play happily with the little fireball.

    After awakening his abilities, Captain Xu also tried his own strength.

    His physical fitness has also improved, and Shen Yu even ran over to ask him, and confirmed that his physical fitness after improvement is almost comparable to hers, thinking: "It seems that the better the physical fitness at the beginning , the later upgrades will be stronger."

    So if the people in the army have awakened their abilities, they have an inherent advantage.

    But this advantage is also their hard work.

    In fact, this is very fair.

    Captain Xu's awakening of his abilities was quickly reported, and the team leader Zhou Ping expressed his pleasure.

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