Chapter 44

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Chapter 44 Resolving the Crisis

    It really hurts.

    Shen Yu was in a daze from the pain, she felt that she was on the verge of fainting, but she just couldn't.

    But at the same time, she vaguely felt... her strength was growing.

    With this sense, Shen Yu could no longer accurately know the flow of time. When the pain disappeared, her eyes were still half-closed. If Shen Xin hadn't supported her, she would have fallen to the ground directly.

    "Shen Yu? Chen Yu?"

    The shouts gradually brought Shen Yu back to her senses. The first thing she felt was the sticky clothes on her body.

    It was the uncomfortable feeling of sweaty clothes sticking to the skin.

    "...What did you do?" Shen Yu was still in a trance, feeling that he had not landed on the ground lightly.

    Shen Xin's words seemed to come from far away: "I poured all the energy of the crystal nucleus into your body, you should have upgraded your abilities by now, and more than one level." Put the energy of the crystal nucleus...into her

    body ?

    Shen Yu felt that she didn't quite understand what this meant, so she paused for a while before checking her body, and was true, the powers in her body had been improved.

    "I tested it for you, and you should be at level six now." Shen Xin glanced at the monster: "It's the peak level four, although you haven't fully controlled it yet, you can deal with it." Shen Yu: "

    ... ..."

    This thing is a guy at the peak of the fourth level? That is to say, without Shen Xin, even if she risked her life, she might not be able to hurt it much.

    After all, that's a first-level difference, and this monster doesn't necessarily know it hurts. Just looking at its size, it also knows that its stamina will be better than hers.

    "Can you purify the crystal nucleus?" Shen Yu frowned.

    Purifying the crystal nucleus can also input the energy of the crystal nucleus into other people's bodies. This kind of ability is too terrifying, and it is easy to cause looting.

    This is a person who is even more special than her three-line ability.

    "Not everyone can." Shen Xin said lightly: "It's just you and me now, and after all, I have to take care of my children, so I can't improve so quickly." "But don't worry, your body will be fine, and neither will your abilities

    . Stop here, it may be more difficult for you to control the current ability."

    After all, it is not upgraded little by little, but instilled all at once.

    Shen Yu can still accept this sequelae. She glanced at Shen Xin with complicated eyes: "I didn't expect you to tell me this." "Otherwise?

    Let you provoke this guy yourself? Then die here? I said After that, if you have something to do, you only have the option of becoming a zombie king." Shen Xin looked extremely indifferent.

    Shen Yu didn't care at all.

    After all, according to Shen Xin, she can even bring down this monster at the peak of level 4 without anyone noticing, so it is not difficult to bring down a Shen Yu, so she can just find a zombie for Chen Yu to bite, she He became the zombie king.

    But Shen Xin didn't do it, just because of this, Shen Yu was willing to trust Shen Xin a little more.

    And now she has gained a third-level ability out of thin air... Although Xiaoteng eats and drinks every day, she reckons that she will soon be able to reach the fourth level, but this is different, okay?

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