Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 Awakening the Second Ability

    Although the zombies are being killed all the time, the car keeps moving forward.

    And some zombies fell in the middle of the road, and a large part of them couldn't be avoided, they had to be crushed, so the car kept shaking.

    Crowding people in the middle of the car is not without benefits, at least they are crowding, and everyone can stand still.

    But when this woman came over, she was nervous again, she almost fell when the car bumped, if Shen Yu hadn't helped her in time, she might have fallen to the ground.

    "Are you okay?" Shen Yu took the time to glance at her.

    "I'm fine." The woman blushed, she was ashamed, she came to help, but she didn't start to help, but added trouble.

    "If you want to help, you can pull out one hand to support the seat, but don't force it. If you run out of strength and feel too tired, go back first. I can still hold on here." Shen Yu said.

    Seeing that Shen Yu didn't let her go back directly, the woman breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly nodded in agreement.

    Because the windows were opened, the human scent would float out from the windows, so the zombies almost all came to the windows, and then they were beaten one by one, but the pressure on other parts of the vehicle was much less.

    The driver of the car was also a soldier with a good mental quality. No matter how the zombies rushed over, he drove calmly.

    After Shen Yu's ability was promoted to level two, her physical fitness improved even more. Even if her injured hand deliberately didn't move, after all, these zombies all rushed towards the window. It's like sending to death.

    So it's easy for her to clean up.

    The woman who came to help was scared at first, but seeing Shen Yu killing the zombies one by one, her fear subsided a lot unconsciously. She leaned on the seat with her left hand and tried her best to chop the kitchen knife with her right hand.

    But she is weak, and she is still timid after all, the kitchen knife basically cuts a few more cuts on the zombie's face.

    Shen Yu saw that there were fewer zombies rushing towards her window, and asked the woman, "Do you want to try killing zombies?"

    The woman has never killed a zombie before, and she also knows that her actions just now added a few scars to the zombie. When she heard Shen Yu's words, her eyes lit up: "Is it possible?" "Yes." Shen Yu

    pointed Looking at the zombie who was pulling on the car window with her hand, "Go and chop off its head."

    Seeing that Shen Yu seemed to be about to let go, the woman's first reaction was to back away, but she took a step back and stopped.

    While the vehicle is moving, some zombies can take the opportunity to close the windows. This is their luck, but it is also because of this that the zombies that only have instincts will not reach out to reach their prey, but subconsciously want to crawl in. Their hands Basically not loose.

    To kill zombies, basic safety can still be guaranteed.

    And there was Shen Yu beside her...

    The woman felt that since Shen Yu would remind her before and give her a chance now, she probably wouldn't ignore her.

    What's more, now that she and her child depend on each other for life, if she doesn't get used to killing zombies quickly, what will she do in the future?

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