Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 Rescuing the Survivors

    The seven people separated in twos and threes to get what they wanted. Chen Jiajia followed Shen Yu, whispering to Shen Yu: "Auntie needs to prepare some towels, toilet paper, and these toiletries, as well as seasonings. This supermarket There should be rice, mung beans and other things, right? We can take them all away."

    In fact, most of what Chen Jiajia and Shen Yu said were not things that non-space-type superpowers would take more, and Shen Yu also tended to collect these things .

    As for food?

    As long as there are seeds, Shen Yu can actually plant them by himself, and the wood ability is so convenient.

    As for the others... Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia mainly took some snacks.

    "Little fish, look, these ice creams haven't melted yet, let's take them away." Chen Jiajia looked at Shen Yu eagerly.

    Shen Yu: "..."

    She nodded: "Okay."

    Chen Jiajia became happy in an instant, she smiled and watched Shen Yu put away the entire refrigerator, and thought for a while: "If I can also make ice Well, do you think there are any ice-type supernatural beings?"

    "Water can condense into ice." Shen Yu said casually.

    "Water... water seems to be able to condense into ice, and it can also be atomized..." Chen Jiajia murmured, her eyes gradually brightened.

    Shen Yu:?

    "I'll try it out when I get back, Xiaoyu, you're amazing!" Chen Jiajia hugged Shen Yu happily.

    Shen Yu: " long as you don't experiment with my clothes or something.

    " Is there any underwear around here? Let's go and have a look, bring some more, we don't know when we will make them in the future." Chen Jiajia dragged Shen Yu and ran away.

    With such a big supermarket, even if Shen Yu has a lot of space, he can’t move it out. Besides, Shen Yu has no plans to move it out. This is the outskirts of City S, not the most dangerous city center of S. Shen Yu has no intention of emptying out the supermarket. , except for those perishable things, she basically kept two-thirds of the other supplies.

    After all, she can go to other stores to collect things.

    But she took two extra sets of quilts and sheets, which were for Fang's father and mother.

    They rested in this store for two hours, ate something and took a nap. Two hours was basically enough for them to recover their powers. When the powers recovered, they continued to go out to kill zombies.

    Because they had no intention of going deep into City S, they walked around the edge of City S, and their main purpose was to kill zombies for exercise and collect supplies, so they intentionally or unintentionally avoided places where there might be people.

    But after all, it is impossible for everyone to be rescued, so when they were about to return in the afternoon, they still encountered a caller.

    Cheng Lin and the others were the ones who were rescued. They were still young and had a passion in their hearts. When they saw someone calling for help, they were a little ready to move.

    It's just that at least they still remembered that they were protected, and they weren't the ones making the decisions in this team, so they endured it and asked Shen Yu, "Should we save people?" Because Lu Xing became more reticent

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