Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 Teammate +1

    The matter of Shen Yu's injury can't be said to be big or small.

    There was a conspicuous purple streak on her forearm, which looked scary, but she didn't feel any severe pain, and she could barely move her fingers. The arm should not be broken.

    Because of Lu Xingyue's timely arrival, neither Shen Yu nor Chen Jiajia was injured by the zombies, which was the greatest luck.

    After Chen Jiajia accidentally crushed Shen Yu's injured wrist at the beginning, she watched with tears in her eyes as Shen Yu was being supported by Lu Xingyue to walk, but when passing by the dead lizard that finally rolled over and struggled, Chen Jiajia couldn't help but get angry Go straight over and open the lizard's mouth, holding back the smell and poking inside the lizard's mouth with a saber.

    Regarding this, Shen Yu and Lu Xingyue saw: "..."

    Shen Yu is fine, she probably knows that Chen Jiajia is looking for crystal nuclei, but Lu Xingyue...

    well, his expression is indeed a bit strange.

    Shen Yu thought secretly looking up.

    It was useful for Chen Jiajia to endure the smell and dig out the crystal nucleus. She found a crystal nucleus the size of a little finger from the lizard's head, which was much larger than the zombie crystal nucleus they had dug before.

    I didn't feel it when I was digging, but Chen Jiajia, who finally couldn't hold her breath after digging it out, turned green immediately. She ran away quickly, and flushed her hands with water as she ran. Panting—but the air around here is not very good, and the smell of zombies is permeating, she: "..."

    Okay, at least I got the crystal nucleus.

    After Chen Jiajia dug the crystal nucleus, he opened the way in front, and Lu Xingyue mainly supported Shen Yu in the back. He looked at Chen Jiajia and wondered if it had exploded. The blade is two centimeters long, so it won't be so tiring to use the knife."

    "Huh?" Chen Jiajia didn't think much about it, and tried to change the position, and it turned out to be much easier to use.

    "Hey, you're pretty good, you seem to know a lot about knives?" Chen Jiajia sighed, but didn't want Lu Xingyue's answer.

    "There is a pharmacy on the way. Go get some medicine for Shen Yu and take a rest. I'll check her hand." Lu Xingyue said.

    Both Chen Jiajia and Shen Yu didn't study medicine, so they didn't know much about this kind of injury. Anyway, Shen Yu didn't dare to move her hands now, and Chen Jiajia was also worried about her hands, so she followed the path pointed by Lu Xingyue to the pharmacy.

    This pharmacy is near the community. Chen Jiajia went all the way. After entering, Lu Xingyue closed the glass door and used the broom next to it to fasten the door. Chen Jiajia took care of a zombie in the pharmacy, and she was so tired that she sat on the ground. , only fed himself two sips of water, and stared at Shen Yu's wrist.

    Lu Xingyue was checking Shen Yu's wrist.

    Shen Yu has a slender body and a small frame, but Lu Xingyue's hands are too large. Shen Yu's wrist looks extraordinarily small in Lu Xingyue's hand.

    Shen Yu's skin was fair, and the bruises on his wrists were even more obvious.

    Chen Jiajia's face was even more worried. She watched Lu Xingyue press Shen Yu's wrist with her fingers, and saw that Shen Yu's forehead was sweating, obviously enduring the pain, and couldn't help but say: "Take it easy!" , take it easy, the little fish is in pain."

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