Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

    "Lu Xingyue." Shen Yu called Lu Xingyue, and she smiled awkwardly at Xiao Chengguang: "Sorry, that's not what he meant, but I really don't need this thing." A

    dark light flashed in Xiao Chengguang's eyes, his face But he smiled and said: "It's okay, I'll give it to you when I research something better in the future." " don't need it?" Shen Yu was even more embarrassed.

    Especially when she saw Lu Xingyue silently staring at her out of the corner of her eye, she felt like she was being raped?

    Wait, rape?

    This must be an illusion, right?

    Anyway, Xiao Chengguang was fooled away, Shen Yu rubbed his eyebrows: "What's the matter with him? Could it be that he has thoughts about Xiao Teng? Didn't I give Xiao Teng's leaves for them to study?" Lu Xingyue: "...


    The fierce light in his eyes froze, he looked at Shen Yu who was not aware of it at all, pursed his lips, and suddenly felt better.

    Not only because Shen Yu didn't pay attention, but also because Shen Yu obviously had no extra thoughts about Xiao Chengguang.

    In this case... Xiao Chengguang can't be allowed to disturb Shen Yu anymore.

    The matter of Xiao Chengguang only caused Shen Yu distress for a while, and soon she found that Xiao Chengguang did not come to her, and their team was almost at Chen Jiajia's house.

    Originally, Shen Yu was going to leave the team alone with Chen Jiajia to find the Chen family, and only asked Wu Chengyu and the others to slow down a little bit, and then set a meeting place. Who knew that when Wu Chengyu knew that Chen Jiajia's home was not far from the route they originally planned, he simply I decided to go around.

    The closer she got to the house, Chen Jiajia became visibly depressed.

    Probably because of the timidity of being close to the hometown, she didn't even dare to step outside the town.

    "...Xiaoyu, can you go in with me?" Chen Jiajia looked at Shen Yu pleadingly.

    Of course, Shen Yu directly agreed, and she and Chen Jiajia walked in. There are also many zombies in this town, but there are very few first-level zombies, and even less second-level zombies. Generally speaking, it is still a relatively safe place.

    Chen Jiajia's home was in the center of the town, and the two of them fought their way in almost all the way, and Xiao Teng also showed his teeth and claws to help.

    When they reached the downstairs of Chen's house, Chen Jiajia took a deep breath and then walked up as soon as she gritted her teeth.

    Chen Jiajia was actually not sure if her family would still be here. She had always carried the keys of her house, but when she opened the door, she trembled several times and almost couldn't open it.

    It was Shen Yu who held her hand and inserted the key directly.

    However, what Shen Yu and Chen Jiajia didn't expect was that when the door opened, what they faced was... a frying pan?

    "Who?" Xiao Teng rolled up the pan in time, and Shen Yu gave a low cry.

    "Don't think about it, I won't hand over Doudou!" There was also an angry curse from inside.

    However, Chen Jiajia's body froze because of the familiar voice: "...Dad?"

    "Dad? It's useless to call grandpa!" The people inside were furious.

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