Chapter 1

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Kirstie POV:
I'm on my way to Mitch & Scott's house, they invited PTX over for a cook out.

I pull up in their driveway and see Avis truck and Scott and Mitch's car, Kevin must not be here yet.

I walk into their house and am welcomed by Scott. " hey kirst, Mitch and I are going to go to the store to get some chips, we don't have any. So it's just going to be you and Avi till Kevin gets here, he texted me and said he's stuck in traffic."

"Ok, have fun" Kirstie said.

"We will" Scott replied.

I walked out to the patio and saw Avi cooking some hot dogs and hamburgers, "hey kirst" he said.

"Hey" I said in return. "how are you today?"

"Awesome, how about yourself?"

"I am great!" Kirstie replied.

About 10 minutes later Avis phone rang, "Hello"... "Ok"... "Really?"... "Ok"..."see you then"

"That was Scott and he said they were stuck in traffic and they won't be here for another 20 minutes"

"Really? That sucks!" Kirstie exclaimed. "So, what do you want to do until everyone gets here?"

" TV?"


We went and sat down, I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv... It was some stupid comedy, so we just decided to talk.

"So how are you and Jeremy" he asked.

"We are good..." I said.

I saw Avi looking at me out of the corner of my eye... I turned my head and we stared at each other in silence. I looked into his beautiful green eyes. We both leaned in...

A/N: haha cliffhanger... I'm going to write a few chapters today to get the book started, then I will stop writing so much.

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