Chapter 14

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*1 week later*

Scott POV

I decided I'm going to do it next week. I'm going to propose to the man I have know since we were kids, the man I love.

*next week*


I woke up cuddling with Kirstie, the birds are chirping, today's gonna be a good day. Kirstie starts to stir, she sits up "good morning avi" she says. She suddenly runs to the bathroom and starts throwing up. I run in after her and hold her hair. She throws up for another 20 minutes then she goes and sits in the living room and I go to the kitchen and make breakfast. Kirstie runs back to the bathroom and I go after her and hold her hair again.

She finally stops "Kirstie you need to go to the doctor." I say

"Ok, could you call and make a ap-" she was cut off by her throwing up again.

I pick up my phone and call the doctors office.

"Hello... Yes.... Kirstin Maldonado... Vomiting... Yes... Ok... Bye."

"Kirstie, you have to be at the doctor in an hour, let's go get dressed." I put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and she puts on some sweats. We leave to go to the doctors office.

*at doctors*

"So what seems to be the problem?" The doctor asks.

"Well she woke up this morning and ran to the bathroom and threw up, she's been throwing up off and on all morning." I say to the doctor.

"Ok, we are going to need a urine sample to start." says the doctor.

"Ok, can do" he hands Kirstie a clear cup and Kirstie goes to the bathroom, she comes back with her urine sample and sits down on the doctor bed thing and waits for the doctor to come back.

"So how are you feeling Kirst?" I ask her

"I'm feeling better, I still have a headache though."

"Oh, well you can just take Advil when we get home."

"Ok" she says. The doctor comes back in and takes the urine sample. We wait again. We sit there for about 10 minutes just talking when the doctor comes back.

"Congratulations Ms. Maldonado, you are pregnant."

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