Chapter 19

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Kevin POV
The band hasn't really just hung out together in a while... We should do that, But where should we go? I decide to ask Avi. I text him:

Kevin: hey Avi, I was wondering if you want to get the band together and just all hang out?

Avi: sure, where should we go?

Kevin: idk that's why I texted you...

Avi: umm ok, what about the beach?

Kevin: that's good with me, I'm gonna bring tori if that's ok...

Avi: yep! Sounds fun!

They talk about how everyone's getting there and soon they are at the beach.

Kirstie POV

We get to the beach and decide to get swimming. Me and Avi run out together and jump in the water. We swim for a little while and people start to go sit in the beach to where it is just me and Avi swimming.

"Looks like it's just us" Avi said in a low voice.

"Yep" I said and put my arms around his neck, giving him a kiss on his nose. He wrapped his arms around my waist and gives me a kiss on the nose. I giggle.

"Does my beard tickle?" He asked

"Yeah" I said still giggling. He rubbed his beard on my face. I giggled more. Then he stopped and we just sat there staring at each other. He kissed me on the lips, then he dove underwater breaking the kiss, I dove under after him. I gave him a big kiss on the lips then came up for air.

We swam for a little while longer then went back up to the sand and just hung out for a little while.

We were there all day and it was almost sunset, so we decided to stay and watch it...

The sunset came and we were all sitting there and I gave Avi a kiss on the lips and said "I love you so much"

He gave me another kiss and said "I love you more than anything in this world."

Third person POV

Scott then gave Mitch a kiss on the lips and said "I love you baby" then Mitch kissed him back and it got more intense. Mitch and Scott started making out. Kevin looked over at tori while she was watching the sunset 'she is so beautiful' he thought.
She turned her head and Kevin kissed her cheek.

Soon it was time for them to go home so they all went back to their houses


We got back to the house at 10pm and we decided we needed to shower, we took a fast shower then got out and Kirstie was in her towel getting her clothes out of her drawer when I went over there and grabbed her towel and ran to the living room "haha you'll never catch me" I yelled as I was running. Kirstie ran after me and she finally gave up and went and got dressed. We were super tired so we decided to go to bed. We went and laid in bed and I gave her tummy a little kiss.

"Avi I'm scared" she said in a worried tone.

"Why are you scared baby?" I asked concerned

"About the baby, we dont know how to do this, we aren't ready for a kid, and what about the fans? How are we gonna tell them?"

"Kirst, we can do this, we will figure it out, and we dont have to tell the fans until your ready." I replied.

"Ok I love you so much Avi, I hope we are together forever" she said

"Me too babygirl" I said stroking her hair. She snuggled into my chest and fell asleep almost instantly.

A/N: hey guys, this chapter wasn't as long as I wanted it to be but I'm gonna write another one tonight probably so yeah... Love you guys thanks for reading!!!


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