Chapter 25

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I was furious! Who could do that to my best friend. Kevin is the most caring and the nicest and most genuine person I know. Why would you do that to him... He just gives you all of him and loves you to death and thinking about you 24/7 then you just go cheat on him and expect him to forgive you. Ugh I want to kill Tori right now. I finally get to kevin and Tori's house. I walk in to see Tori sitting on the couch with puffy eyes crying. I go and sit, I let out an angry breath.

"Why would you cheat on him?" I ask her.

"I was drunk.Shes my best friend. I was stressed. I was frustrated. It didn't mean anything. That wasn't the first time we've done that. It didn't mean anything at all. I love Kevin with all my heart." She said with tears in her eyes. Voice full of regret.

"Why were you stressed and frustrated?"

"I had a bad day so we went out clubbing cause Kevin couldn't hang out and I was a little frustrated because me and Kevin have been together a year and he hasn't purposed and I want to marry him because I love him so much and because of his beliefs we have to wait until we're married to have sex so that would just be a plus if we got married so me and her did stuff to blow off a little steam but I was very drunk. It didn't mean anything" she said

"Why do you expect him to forgive you?"

"I don't honestly. But I would hope he would because we love each other." She said starting to cry again.

"Ok. Bye Tori" I say and walk out. Well at least I know the whole story now. I drive back to the house to tell Kevin.

I walk into my house and Kevin isn't in the living room but Kirstie is... "Where's Kevin?" I ask her.

"He was really upset so I fixed him one tea and told him to get some rest. What happened over there?"

I told her what happened. "Oh ok then" that's all she had to say. We went to the living room and sat on the couch and turned on a movie. Soon enough we fell asleep... We woke up about 2 hours later Kevin was still in the guest room sleeping. We were hungry so I went and made some mac and cheese for me her and Kevin. We say on the couch and ate our dinner and the baby started kicking so we were really happy and excited. Kevin walked out of the room and he was looking better.

"Hey Kev come here" he walked over and Kirstie grabbed his hand and put it on her stomach and his eyes lit up when he felt the baby kick... He was so happy. "We made some Mac and cheese it's in the kitchen." I told him

"Oh ok thank you. Is it ok if I stay the night?" He asked.

"Of course. Stay as long as you want" I said. He went and got his food then came back and I told him what happened when I went to his house.

So we all ate and hung out for a little while and just talked then we went to bed.

The next morning...

Still Avis POV
Today is Kirstie's baby shower so we need to leave the house around 11:30 so they can have enough time to get set up and stuff. It's about 10 now so I need to wake up Kevin and Kirstie. I walk to the room and sit on the bed by Kirstie and rub her head "wake up my beautiful princess" she makes a cute little groan and I kiss her forehead and tell her to get up cause we have a big day. "Babe you need to get ready wear something nice but comfortable. She gets up and goes to the shower.

I walk into the guest room where Kevin is and tell him to get up. I tell him to get ready for the shower and to help Esther with stuff and stuff like that (When I went to Kevin's house yesterday I got clothes just incase he stayed the night.)

Kirstie POV
I get up and get in the shower then I get out and pick out a black and grey dress with a bow on it(at top) and some black flats. Then I go put on a small amount of makeup and keep my hair natural. I'm not exactly sure where we're going but that's ok... Avi always has suprises.

We go get in the car and I ask him where we're going.  "Umm well we are going to Starbucks then we're going to the aquarium." He says... Usually he doesn't tell me but I'm happy he did

"Oh cool sounds fun" I said. We finally arrived at Starbucks got our drinks then we got to the aquarium and we had a lot of fun there were like no people there so we got to do like whatever we wanted and we got a bunch of cool pictures.Now we're going home.

Esther texted me when we were on the way home and said everything was ready. So that's perfect. We are almost home.

So we are pulling in the driveway. Me and Kirstie walk to the door and walk into our living room and everyone tells "SUPRISE!!!" And jump out from everywhere. The room is decorated with all kinds of baby things and it's just adorable. Kirstie started to cry "aww baby what's wrong?" I ask concerned.

"Nothing in just really happy. Thank you so much. I love you" she says and kisses me on the lips.

"Anything for you babygirl I love you more" I say and tap her nose then kiss it.

Kirstie opens her presents and we got a whole bunch of really cool and super cute things for the baby.

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