Chapter 2

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Mitch POV:
Me and Scott are stuck in traffic, we were just sitting there talking until our song 7/11 came on, we turned it up really loud and started dancing really crazy.

When the song was over we got calm again and started talking.



"So do you think Avi and Kirstie are gonna kiss?" Mitch asked.

"I don't know, I hope they do, I totally ship kavi"

"Same! They would be the cutest couple ever!"

Kirstie told Mitch about her little crush on Avi. Avi told Kevin about his crush on Kirstie and Kevin and Mitch both told Scott, so now Kevin, Mitch and Scott all know about their crushes.

No one knows about Mitch's crush though, Mitch has had a little crush on Scott for some time now, but he just realized that he did recently.

Avi POV:
We both leaned in and our lips touched, it was a soft, short kiss.

Kirstie jumped back " I shouldn't be doing this!"

"I'm sorry" Avi said.

Kirstie went out to the patio and texted Mitch,

Kirstie POV

Kirstie: I just kissed Avi! I just cheated on Jeremy, I'm an AWFUL girlfriend.

Mitch: YOU DID! I knew it!

Kirstie: OMG dont tell ANYONE!

Mitch: I won't calm down, what did you do after he kissed you?

Kirstie: I ran outside, when will you be here?

Mitch: I'll be there in about 5 minutes.

Kirstie: ok hurry bye Mitchie😘😘

Mitch: bye kit kat 😘😘

Kirstie sat outside playing on her phone until Mitch and Scott got back.

Soon after they got back Kevin got there too, when he arrived everything was set up and everyone was ready to party. Kirstie stayed far away from Avi all night.
The group danced and sang along to their favorite songs all night long, they were all really tired.

"What time is it?" Kirstie asked

" 11:30 " kevin replied

"I should probably get going" Kirstie said.

"Yeah, me too" said Kevin and Avi.

A/N: sorry this is boring but it will get more interesting in the next chapter.

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