Chapter 9

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Kevin POV
I woke up... I called tori... I texted Avi... Then went back to bed, I am meeting tori at the coffee shop in an hour

Stranger: hello my name is Kathy Evans, would you like to take a 2 minute survey.

Avi: umm... Sure, why not?

Kathy: ok, question 1: are you married

Avi: no

Kathy: are you a virgin

Avi: no

Kathy: do you want kids if so how many?

Avi: yes, 4-5

Kathy: thank you very much for your time sir.

Avi: your welcome, bye

That was weird. Let's call Kirstie

Kirstie: hey babe

Avi: babe now? Huh I like it

Kirstie: haha so whatcha doin

Avi: sitting on my couch how about you?

Kirstie: laying in bed talking to you.

Avi: sounds fun

Kirstie: yep

Avi: so do you want to do something today?

Kirstie: like what?

Avi: dinner? Mini golf?

Kirstie: usually mini golf but today, dinner

Avi: ok see you in 30 minutes

Kirstie: ok love you babe

Avi: love you too

I get up and go take a shower

Kirstie POV

I go get ready, when I come back I see I have a text from a blocked number.
It says : have fun on your date with Avi, I'll be watching you, don't forget that. if you show anyone this text or do anything I don't like. you will see what happens.

I was scared after that, on the date, I didn't touch Avi, I barely looked at him. I didn't show him the text. I did everything the blocked number told me to do. During dinner I went to the restroom, I got another text: when you get home have sex with him, do it, make him uncomfortable... Cause I will be watching that too and if it doesn't go as bad as I want it to, your gonna get it.

I am terrified, I am being stalked. I don't even know what to do. But for now I'll just do as he/she says.

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