Chapter 17

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"Good morning babygirl" I replied. As soon as I finished saying that she got up and ran to the bathroom and started throwing up.
I rushed into the bathroom and held her hair.

She walked back into our room and sat in the bed "This is going to be fun." I say.

"Yep" she agrees.

Mitch POV

Scott proposed! And I said YES! I am so happy! I am marrying Scott Hoying! I have to tell Kirstie!

Mitch: hey Kit Kat. I have something to tell you!

Kirstie: Hey Mitch! What do you have to tell me?


Kirstie: yay! I knew you would say yes!!

Mitch: you knew?

Kirstie: yeah, I helped Scott pick out the ring! Do you like it?

Mitch: yes it's beautiful!

Kirstie: yay! I'm so excited for you!

Mitch: thanks I'm super excited too!!!

Kirstie: I have some news too!!

Mitch: what? What? Tell me!

Kirstie: I'm pregnant!

Mitch: WHAT? seriously😳😳??

Kirstie: yeah and I'm so scared! I don't know how to do this. I can't do this. I'm so scared.

Mitch: Kirstie, you CAN do this we will all be here for you and don't be scared you got this girl!

Kirstie: thanks Mitch that means a lot

Mitch: no problem. Have you told anyone else?

Kirstie: no only you and Avi know...

Mitch: when are you gonna tell the rest of the group?

Kirstie: idk yet, I mean, I guess I'll tell them at the meeting this afternoon...

Mitch: ok see you then bye kirst

Kirstie: bye mitchie

Kirstie POV

Well our meeting is at 1 and its 11:30 now so I should start getting ready. I walk to the shower...

I get out of the shower and walk into the bedroom. I walk over to my closet and start looking for clothes. Suddenly my towel flys off of my body and I see Avi standing behind me with my towel in his hand, smile on his face. "You are so beautiful" he says and pulls me in for a short, sweet kiss. "I love you so much" he says after the kiss.

"I love you too,now go get ready we have a ptx meeting at 1." I say

"I know, when are we gonna tell the group?" He asks

"I was planning on today at the meeting" I said

"Ok, I'll go get ready." He said and gave me a peck on the lips. I continued looking for clothes. I finally decided to wear a t-shirt and some jean shorts with some black flip flops, and some light make up. Soon they were both done getting ready and they went to the meeting.

*on the ride there*

"What if they get mad?" I ask.

"They won't they are our friends." Avi said he a comforting tone.

"I hope they don't" I reply.

*at the meeting*

We walk into the building and go sit down on the couch.

"Ok guys so let's get started." Esther, our tour manager said.

"Actually we have an announcement." I say

"Ok" she said. We stand up.

"I'm pregnant." I say. There is a moment of silence.

"congrats!" Kevin says

"I'm gonna be an aunt" Esther says

*mitch smiles*

"Awesome!" Scott says. etc.

*at the end of the meeting*

"Hey Avi, I'm gonna go over to Scott and Mitch's house and hang for a little while ok?" I say. I want to hang out with them because we haven't had a trio day and I want to talk to my friends about the baby.

"Ok, have fun! See you later." He said and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

A/N: sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. I will try to start updating more...

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