Chapter 29

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We are signing the lease for our new house today and I couldn't be more excited!

"Good morning baby" Kirstie says then plants a kiss on my lips. We kiss for a moment then I pull her into a hug and we rock back and forth for a few minutes until Autumn starts crying.

"I'm gonna go get her dressed and packed up so Kevin can pick her up" she says "he should be here in about 45 minutes.

"Okie dokie" I say and continue our pancakes and eggs.

I set the food on the table and sit down then dig in then Kirstie walks in holding autumn and she's wearing a blue shirt with polka dots and coral colored pants and a cute little headband. I go get Autumn from Kirstie and put her in her high chair.

"Ok Kevin's on his way." She says looking at her phone.

"Ok" I say and go back to feeding Autumn

A few minutes later in the car...
"The house isn't far away from where we live now." I say.

"Yeah it's pretty close, aww Avi look there's a park... We can bring autumn to it and play with her when she gets a little bigger. Kirstie says with a big smile.

"Yeah that will be great" I say and grab her hand, we lace fingers. "Is this the turn?"

"Yea right here... There it is." She says and we pull into the driveway.

We walk into the house "You must be Stanley" I say the the man.

"Yep that's me" he says and turns around. He is short with glasses, kinda high voice and he's wearing a suit. "Ok let's get to it" he says and shakes both of our hands quickly. We sign everything and he hands us the keys "enjoy your new house"

"Thank you so much" Kirstie says and I grab her hand and kiss her cheek.

"We have a home" I say and smile. We walk around the house and decide which room is Autumn's. "I love you so much babygirl" I say and kiss her.

2 days later...
Scott POV
We moved into our house yesterday so all we've been doing is unpacking. Our wedding is in 2 days and I'm so excited!! I walk into the kitchen to see no one... "Mitch" I yell. Nothing. I walk over to the table and see a note.

Goodmorning baby, hope you slept well. I went out to get a surprise, I'll be back in a few hours.. Start unpacking. Our weddings in 2 days!! I'm so excited I get to call you my husband. I love you!
- Mitchie

Hmm.. Wonder what the surprise could be. I walk to the bathroom and take a quick shower then I put on some clothes and go to the kitchen and start unpacking.

"Hey babe I'm back do me and favor and close your eyes." I heard Mitch say as he poked his head through the door.

"Ok" I say and close my eyes.

"Ok open" he says. I look in the living room and on the couch is 2 Sphinx kittens.

"Oh my god Mitch! You didn't!" I say excitedly. I really wanted another cat since Wyatt passed away and we agreed one day when we're married and have a house we would get one and here we are getting married in 2 days and we are standing in our new house. "I love you so much!!"

"I love you too, it's 1 boy, 1 girl... I thought since there are 2 you can name one and I'll name one" Mitch said with a smile.

"Perfect" I say and kiss his cheek.

"I definitely want the girl to be Aphrodite" Mitch says with a smile, if Wyatt was a girl we would've named her Aphrodite."

"And the boy will be...hmm, what about Felix.. That's cute" I say

"Felix and Aphrodite Grassi-Hoying. It's perfect." We unpacked for what seemed like hours Then we decided to take a little Starbucks break. We drove over to Starbucks and had a coffee then went home and unpacked more.

Kirstie POV
We have gotten the nursery almost completely unpacked so we decided to work on our bedroom for a little while. We are trying to put our headboard up when my phone rings, Autumn starts crying. "Sorry" I mouth to Avi. I run to the kitchen to get my phone and Avi goes and gets autumn to quiet down and go back to sleep. I pick up the phone...

Esther: where are you?!

Kirstie: what do you mean?

Esther: we were all meeting at the dress place to get out dresses for your best friends wedding IN 2 DAYS!

Kirstie: shit! I forgot I'm so sorry we've been unpacking all day... I'll be there in 15 minutes.

Esther: hurry!

Kirstie: ok bye.

I put the phone down and run to our room and pull out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I change really fast then walk to the bathroom. "Babe what's wrong?" Avi asks.

"I'm supposed to be at the dress place to get my dress for scomiche's wedding." I say while putting on makeup "like right now"

"Oh shit ok... I'll unpack and put up the headboard while your gone see you later love you" he says and pecks my lips.
I grab my keys and run out the door.

Kirstie: On the way

I shoot a quick text to Esther.

At the dress store...
I run in... "I'm here" I say to Esther.

"Ok, try this on" she hands me a dress and pushes me towards the dressing rooms.

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