Chapter 12

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I am currently at this beach hangout place, I don't know what to call it, planning a surprise date for Kirstie.

At the place there is a hammock,some rocks and it leads into the ocean. It's a beautiful place, I love and I know Kirstie will love it too.

I finish setting everything up and by the time I pick Kirstie up it will be sunset. I leave to go pick her up...

Kirstie POV
I hop in the shower, then pick out my outfit, a sundress and a pair of short wedges. After that I go do my hair, I decide to just leave it natural. I put on a bit of light makeup and go wait for Avi.

I hear Avi knock at the door and we leave.
We go sit in the car and he hands me a bandana. "What is this for?"

"Put it over your eyes"he said

"Why?" I asked

"It's a surprise where we are going."

"Fine." I said bummed.

*skipping to when we arrive*

"You can take your blindfold off now" he said.

I took my blindfold off and saw a path,we got out of the car and started walking. After a minute of walking we arrived at a beautiful place, there was a hammock and a stone path leading to the water, there were flowers and it was just beautiful.
"Avi this is beautiful!"

"I know" he said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. They went over and cuddled on the hammock while watching the beautiful sunset.

"I love you so much Avi" I said

"I love you too Kirstin" he said back.

"Do you think we will ever get married and have kids?" I asked

"Absolutely" he replied.

We kissed and eventually fell asleep.

*the next morning*

Third person POV

Avi woke up, still cuddling with Kirstie. he sat there for a few minutes and eventually Kirstie started to stir, "good morning beautiful" said Avi in a deep voice.

"Good morning" Kirstie said and gave Avi a peck on the lips. "What time is it?"

"About 9:30" he replied.

"Ok, I have to go shopping with Scott at noon, so let's get out of here." she said

"Ok" he said back.

They drove back to Kirstie's and they went inside. "I'm gonna shower real quick." Said Kirstie.

"Ok, I'll fix us some breakfast." Said Avi.

Kirstie took her shower and Avi made some bacon and eggs.

Kirstie got out of the shower and put on a simple tee with shorts and some flip flops.
She went to the kitchen and ate breakfast with Avi. Soon Avi went home and Kirstie played on her phone until Scott got there.

There was a knock on the door and Kirstie went to get it, it was Scott, they headed off to the mall.

Scott POV

*on the ride there*

"How should I do it?" I asked

"I don't know, it's your proposal." Kirstie said

"Yeah, but I don't know what to do" I said

"You'll come up with something, don't worry." She said.

"Ok" I replied.

We got to the jewelry store and walked in, we were suddenly welcomed "hello, my name is Jarrod, what were you coming here to look for today?" He said

"My friend here was actually looking for a ring to propose with." Kirstie said.

"Ok, right over here..." He said while walking over to the wedding ring section."these are our rings, let me know if you like something."

"Ok thank you" Scott said.

They looked around for a little while, they finally found one they like...

A/N: I made that a cliffhanger because I need to attach a pic but this chapter already has one so yeah...

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