Chapter 18

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Kirstie POV

*in the car with scomiche*

"What do you guys want to do today?" Scott asks

"SHOPPING" Mitch yells

"That sounds good with me"I say.

"Ok, shopping it is then" Scott says.

*at the mall*

"Where should we go first?" I ask.

"Starbucks!" Mitch said.

"Ok, I haven't had my Starbucks today, so that sounds good." I say in reply. We go get Starbucks and shop for a little while.

"So let's talk about this baby of yours" Mitch says.

"Oh, well..." I say

"Avis the father right?, when did you find out?, When did this happen?" Mitch says.

"Yes, Avis the father. I found out a few days ago, and about a month or so ago." I say

"Ok,ok" Mitch says

"Do you know if it's going to be a boy or girl?" Scott asks

"No I find out in a few months." I say

"We're gonna be uncles!" Mitch says

"Yeah, not blood uncles but for sure uncles." I say smiling

"Yeah" Scott says

We continue shopping and talking about the baby for 2 1/2 hours. Then they bring me home and I go in and go to sleep.

Scott POV

Mitch and I go home and sit in the couch to watch spongebob. We watch it and I turn my head and give Mitch a peck on the lips.


Then he brings me back in for a kiss, a longer more passionate kiss. I slide my tongue on his bottom lip asking for entrance. He accepts and our tongues battle for dominance. Things get a little more heated and I pull Mitch's shirt off and slide my hands down his chest. He pulls mine off and wraps his arms around me and scratching my back a bit which causes me to get a boner. He realized I had one and palmed me. I reached my hands for his pants and started to undo them. He reached for mine and soon enough we were both naked. I moved down to his neck and started sucking and nibbling lightly causing Mitch to moan. I moved down to his stomach and gave him a handjob... we continued and then got up and took a shower and went to bed.


*in the morning*

I wake up and see Mitch is gone. I get up and walk to the kitchen in only my underwear. I see a note in the counter.'gone to Starbucks be back later love you babe' so I decide to go get ready. I walk to the bathroom and take another shower then go to my closet and pick out my tide shirt and some jeans. When I'm done getting ready I hear the door open and walk in there and reach for my coffee from Mitch and he pulls back "only for a kiss" he says. I kiss him and grab my coffee. We go sit down and watch sponge bob and spend the rest of the afternoon doing just that.


I wake up and see Kirstie right beside me, staring at me, I guess waiting for me to wake up. I boop her nose and get up. "Wanna shower?" I ask her.

"Yep" she answers. We get up and hop in the shower.

*in the shower*


I give her a peck on the lips. Then I push her against the wall. I give her a more passionate kiss and soon I have given her a few hickies and she given me and few, but no one with know because they are in places only we can see. I brush my hands over her body.


We finish showering and go to the kitchen and make and eat breakfast together. "Wanna go on a date?" I ask

"Sure, where were you thinking?" She asks

"Umm, mini golf?" I ask her

"Sure. Let's go get ready." She says

"Ok" I reply. I go into our bedroom and
pick out a green t-shirt and some jeans. Then I go sit on the couch and wait for Kirstie to get ready...

Soon she comes out of he room wearing a black shirt with a shiny colorful skull on it, with some jeans shorts and converse. She is wearing light make up. "You look beautiful" I say admiring her.

"Thank you, shall we get going?" She asks

"We shall" I say and laugh.

We go play mini golf and have a good time. He come home and watch tv then go to sleep.

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