Chapter 8

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Kirstie POV
Avi invited me out for dinner and a movie afterwards, I'm getting ready right now. I got in and out of the shower picked out my outfit, did my hair and make up. I'm ready to go.

I heard a knock at the door, it must be Avi. I went to the door and opened it revealing a sexy bass man. We went to dinner at a fancy restaurant and when we left we were on our way to the movie and we were running a little late and there was a wreck so we just decided to watch a movie at my apartment. We were sitting on the couch watching a movie when Avi turned his head and asked me a question. "Would you do the honor of being my girlfriend?"


We both went in for a kiss and met in the middle, after we kissed for a few seconds it got heated. There tongues were fighting and Avi grabbed Kirstie's thigh Kirstie moved to Avis neck, she started sucking and biting softly leaving many discolored bruises. Kirstie's hand move to Avis belt, she starts to unbuckle it, she slides his pants off and throws them across the room. Avi unzips Kirstie's dress and pulls it off. Kirstie unbuttons Avis shirt and pulls it off, soon they are both completely naked. That's where Avi stops. "I can't do this to you, it was our first date. I respect you too much to do this. I love you, goodnight" and with that he got dressed and walked out.

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