Chapter 15

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Scott POV
I am doing it today, I am proposing to the love of my life, Mitchell Coby Grassi. I texted him yesterday telling him we were going on a date today, and to dress formal because it's a really fancy restaurant. I'm so nervous.

Mitch POV

I finish getting ready and go sit in my couch and wait for Scott to get here. Scott finally gets here and we head to the restaurant.

*at the restaurant*

We sit down and we order. We eat our meals and then comes dessert, we decided to split a huge piece of chocolate cake. In the middle of our dessert Scott stood up and walked to the side of the table.

Scott POV

I get on one knee and Mitch stands up covering his mouth.

"Mitchell Coby Grassi, will you marry me?"

Everyone awes.

"YES!" He says and kisses me.

After that we talk and finish our dessert then we go home and cuddle until we fall asleep.

A/N: short filler chapter sorry.

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