Chapter 5

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Kevin POV
I'm bored

So bored


Bored... That's a weird word

I am literally so bored

Let's call people and see if they can hang out, where should we go?

THE BEACH. I haven't been to the beach in forever.

Kevin: hey Avi, wanna go to the beach. I have nothing to do

Avi: sure what's the plan?

Kevin: I'll let you know let me ask other people.

Avi: okay.(end of convo)

Kevin: hey Scott wanna go to the beach. I'm bored. Ask Mitch too

Scott: sure sounds good let me know the plan when you figure it out(end of convo)

Kevin: hey kirst wanna go to the beach, everyone else is going

Kirstie: umm... Sure I guess, but I'm not gonna swim.

Kevin: ok, Avi is going to pick you up in like an hour , Esther will be there too.

Kirstie: ok sounds good(end of convo)

Kevin let's everyone know the plan: Avi is bringing Esther, darien, and Kirstie and Kevin is bringing Scott, Mitch and a girl he met a few weeks ago, tori.

Esther POV
I since a strong tension in this car, Kirstie and Avi are both sitting up front( we planned it that way) and they are acting akward and not saying much... Time to have fun.

"Hey Avi I have to use the ladies room so you mind pulling over at that gas station?" I ask. I know Kirstie never uses gas station bathrooms and Avi used the restroom before we left. Darien is going to come with me inside because he knows the plan too.

We walk into the gas station and wait.

"So kirst, do you think the water is going to be cold?" I ask awkwardly

"Umm.. I don't know but I'm not going to get in the water." She replies

"Why not?" I ask

" umm I'm just not really the mood for swimming today" she said.

I know Kirstie and she loves to swim, she never goes to the Beach without swimming, something's wrong.

*they arrive at the beach*

We get out of the car and walk up to he water, Kevin and his crew are already there. Kevin brought a girl with him,her name is tori I met her a few days ago, she is really nice and Kevin really likes her.

I look over at Kirstie and see her sitting alone on a large rock, I decide to join her.
"Hey kirst, wanna walk?"

"Sure, why not" she said

We started to walk down the shore.

"So how are you Kirstie?" I ask

"Umm I'm good I guess" she replied quietly

" it doesn't sound like it, what's going on?" I wonder

"Nothing. I'm fine." She said

"Ok, well I'm here for you if anything is going on."

"Okay." She says

"So... Whatcha wanna talk about" I ask.

" umm what about this" she says as she pushes me into the shallow water.

" well played Maldonado, but not as well played as this" is pick her up over my shoulder and carry her to the water as she squeals loudly. I toss her into the water and start to run away.

"HELP, I can't touch, Avi help!!" She says bobbing up and down in the water

"Omg Kirstie" I run back as fast as I can and help her get to shallow water. She starts coughing up water "I'm so sorry kirst, I thought you would be able to touch there."

"It's ok Avi." She says. I start to stroke her cheek with my hand, she suddenly freezes. And says "Avi take your hand off" I took my hand off and saw make up on my hand.

"Oh no, I ruined your make up" I said sarcastically. I looked back up and what I saw is what appeared to be a bruise on her cheek. " Kirstie, what happened. And why do you need to hide it with makeup?"

"It's nothing" she said

"It's definitely something" I start to stroke her whole face and find about 3 scars and 5 bruises. "Oh my god Kirstie what happened?"

" nothing, I tripped, I ran into a pole, uhh, bye" she said as she ran away.

A/N: that was a really long chapter... So yeah, I'm gonna try to make more as long as this.

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