Chapter 21

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Kirstie POV
"Congratulations, you are going to have a baby girl!"

"Yay!" I said to Avi once the doctor left the room. I wanted to have a baby girl.

"So do we just leave?" Avi asked

"Yeah I think so" I replied, And we left.

*in the car*

"So we have to start thinking of names." Avi said to me.

"Yeah. I'm so happy we are having a girl!" I said.

"Hey Kirstie, I have a question" he said shyly

"Yes baby?" I replied

"So since, you know we are having a baby and we are dating... Do you maybe... Umm... wanna move in with me?" He asked

"I would love too" I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

We get to Kirstie's house and go sit on the couch and watch some tv. Then my phone rings, I pick it up...

Avi: hello

Person: hello is this Avi Kaplan?

Avi: yes and who is this?

Person: I'm calling from the hospital I am here with Kevin Olusola and Tori Kelly... They were In a wreck and they are both unconscious.

Avi: oh no, ok I'll be right there!

Person: ok (call over)

"Kevin and Tori got in a wreck and are in the hospital, we have to go now!" I say

"Oh my god ok let's go!" She says fast.

We race to the hospital and get there in 5 minutes. We go to the front desk "I'm here to see Kevin Olusola and Tori Kelly."

"Who are you?" The lady at the front desk asks.

"Avi Kaplan and Kirstie Maldonado" I reply

"Ok, rooms 136 and 137" she says and points to the way to get there.

"Ok thank you" I say. We walk to the rooms and I go see Kevin and Kirstie goes to Tori's room. I walk in and I am greeted by Scott.

"Hey, how is he? Where's Mitch?" I ask

"He's still unconscious and Mitch is in Tori's room." He replies.

"Do you know what happened?" I ask Scott.

"No, I just know they got into a wreck" he said. I walk over to the bed and look at Kevin.

Mitch POV
I am sitting next to Tori when Kirstie walks in. "Hey kirst" I say

"Hey how is she?" She asks

"She's not unconscious anymore, she just sleeping, but she's still bad, she broke her arm,her left leg and her nose." I reply

"Oh my gosh, do you know what happened?" She asks

"No, not exactly, she said they were talking and then everything was black then she woke up here." I say

"Oh, so I know this isn't the right time but do you wanna know the gender of the baby?" She asks me.

"Of course!!!!" I say

"I'm having a little baby girl!" She says

"Yay! I'm gonna have a niece!" I say happily. "Have you started thinking of names?"

"No, but we are going to start, I like the name skylar but idk, I don't think Avi really likes that name... So we will see" she says.

"So we figured out the gender of the baby... We're having a girl!" I told Scott

"Yay, I'm gonna have a little niece!!" He said "Have you started thinking of names?"

"Well Not really, Kirstie likes the name skylar but I don't really like that name..." I said.

Kevin started to stir and his eyes opened "where am I?" He said very confused.

"You're at the hospital, you got in a car wreck." Scott said.

"Oh" he said and then he went back to sleep.

A/N: hey guys I just have a few things to say... First of all thanks for reading and I'm so happy I have so many reads, I know it's not a lot for a lot of people but for me that's a lot! Also I've noticed that like you guys don't really comment, and I would love for you guys to comment more! Thanks for reading
Stay #fcute


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