Chapter 23

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I wake up and look at my beautiful angel sleeping next to me and I just smile and think about how grateful I am, I have this girl in my life who means so incredibly much to me and we are having a baby soon! I just look at her beautiful face and stroke her cheek until she wakes up. She smiles at me "I love you so much"

"I love you too" We spoon until she falls asleep in my arms, I fall asleep soon after that.

Mitch POV
I wake up to find Scott isn't there. I walk around the house for a minute trying to find him until I get to the kitchen and see some Starbucks and a note...

Good morning babe. Hope you slept well, I had to run a few errands. Enjoy the Starbucks. See you soon. I love you!!

'Well some time to myself then' I thought. I grab the Starbucks and a muffin and sit at the table and finish it quickly. I go to the bathroom and start the bath. I get a bath bomb out from under the sink. I slide my clothes off and get into the bath. I turn on some Beyoncé and listen and relax until I fall asleep...

I wake up to a light knock on the bathroom door. Scott walks in and gives me a peck on the lips. "Were you sleeping babe?"

"Yeah." I said, still a little sleepy

"Mind if I join you?" Scott asks

"Not at all" I say with a wink. He takes his clothes off and slips into the bath. He scoots over next to me. We kiss once and just talk about things. After about an hour we get out and go sit on the bed.

"I wanna go somewhere." I say "Can we go to the club... We haven't gone and had fun in a while"

"Sure why not? Wanna call Avi and Kirstie?" He asked.

"They wouldn't have much fun... Avi wouldn't drink and Kirstie can't because of the baby. Me and you haven't gone to the club with just us in a while" I say

"Yeah ok that would be fun lets get ready" he says. I put on some black skinny jeans and a floral button up shirt.

Kirstie POV
I am in the nursery putting some stuffed animals in the crib and I feel something in my tummy. "Avi come here" I yell

Avi rushes into the room "what's wrong baby?" He says very concerned.

"Give me your hand." He does and I place it on my tummy where the baby just kicked and it kicks again.

His eyes widen "the baby kicked!" He's really excited now. "Oh my gosh the baby kicked and I felt it" he's doing a little dance because he's excited. Avi pulls me into a big kiss. "That's our baby. Made by us. Half you half me." He starts tearing up "I love you so much Kirstie." He kisses me again.

"I love you too Avi. Now what do you think of the nursery?" I ask

"It's perfect babygirl" he says and kisses my forehead. "Get dressed we're going somewhere" he says

"Where?" I ask in a childish tone.

"It's a surprise" he says and smiles I walk to our room and pick out a pink sweater and some black leggings and some flats. Then I put my hair up in a messy bun and put on a little makeup. Then I walk into the living room and tell Avi I'm ready to go and we go get in the car.

"Can you tell me where we're going now?" I ask.

"Nope you have to wait and see." He says. I frown. "Aww babe it's ok" and plants a kiss on my cheek.

We are talking and soon the car pulls to a stop I look up and we are at an ice cream place. "Yay ice cream!!" I say like a child. We get out of the car and go get ice cream then we get back in the car and he drives us to the park. We get out and go sit on a bench. We finish our ice cream then sit there and we just talk. We talk about the band and the baby and scomiche's wedding and a bunch of other stuff.

"So the baby is due January 20th, we have the nursery set up what else do we need to do to prepare?" I ask.

"Baby shower?" He says.

"I don't know if I'm gonna have one, I can't throw my own baby shower..." I state.

"Yeah I guess not." We sit and talk at the park for a little while then we head home and fall asleep watching a movie.

Scott POV
We finally get to the club and as soon as we get there we head to the bar. We both order drinks and more and more. After we're super drunk we decide that we should dance. We go out to the dance floor and start dancing crazy. Mitch starts grinding on me and we are just having a great time until some douchebag runs into us and spills there drinks all over us. "UGH YOU RUINED MY SHIRT YOU DOUCHEBAG!" Mitch screams. I try to calm him down and we go to the bathroom to try to clean up a little bit.

"Babe it's ok calm down" I say and plant a long kiss on his lips. We start making out and I move to his neck. I push him up against the wall and he wraps his legs around me. "Do you want to go home?" I ask. He nods his head. We call an uber and go home.

We get to the house and make our way to the bedroom. I grab him and pull him into a rough kiss. I grab his butt and pick him up  and lay him down on the bed I take off his wet shirt and start kissing his chest. He pulls off my shirt and kisses my neck. He starts sucking and nibbling lightly and leaves behind a few little bruises. I pull his pants off and kiss his happy trail lightly causing him to giggle. He flips us over then pulls my bottoms off and puts the tip in his mouth and starts bobbing up and down.
The rest is history...

A/N: hey guys I finally wrote something sorry it's been so long! I truly love this story I've just been really busy lately and haven't had the time or energy to update. Hope you understand. Love you guys! Stay #fcute!!

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