Chapter 28

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Kirstie POV
I woke up to Autumn crying, I went to feed her then walked to the kitchen and Avi was sitting at the table, he had Starbucks and muffins... My favorite!! I put autumn In her playpen and sat at the table with Avi. I started eating my muffin and Avi handed me a piece of paper. I gave him a confused look and grabbed the paper. I opened up the piece of paper and there was a picture of the house Scott and Mitch showed us. I was confused. Then I realized what it was, my eyes lit up and I smiled. "We're getting the house" he said and I stood up and hugged him and he picked me up and spun me around.

"We're buying a house!!!" I say and kiss him. "Yay! When are we moving in?" I ask him

"Well we're gonna sign the papers next Wednesday. Then it's ours!" He says with a smile.

"Yay I'm so excited!! Wait... We have to pack, like now!" I say realizing what's happening.

"Already covered, I went and got boxes this morning. But it stinks we have to move the nursery, you spent so much time getting it ready." He says

"Oh it's fine... Now it's gonna be even better!!" I say enthusiastically.

"Ok let's start packing" he says. He starts in the guest room and I start in the nursery. We pack for a few hours then decide that's enough for the day.

Scott POV
Me and Mitch are moving next week then we're getting married the week after that!! I'm so excited! We have to finish packing, that's our plan for the day. We decided we're gonna buy new furniture for the living room and the patio/porch.

"We have so much to do" Mitch groaned.

"Yes I know baby.. Buttt were gonna have a new house" I say walking over to him. I give him a kiss then hold his waist and start swaying side to side. "And we're gonna get married and were gonna start a family. And it's just going to be a big adventure and it will all be worth it in the end."

The next day...
Avi's POV
"Hey babe" I whisper yell across the room so I don't wake Autumn "do you have any boxes over there?"

"No" she whispered back " I think we're out." Suddenly we hear a very loud wail.

"I'll handle it" I say and walk to Autumn's nursery.I walk over to her crib and pick her up and rock back and Rick for a minute then I change her diaper and put on a cute little outfit and walk back out to the living room "Did I do a good job with the outfit?" I ask her with a smile.

"She looks beautiful" Kirstie says and gives me a little peck on the lips. "Now let's go I want to get there before they close." And we walk out to the car.

Mitch POV
"I've never been furniture shopping before..." I say to Scott.

"I have once but my mom was there and she did most of it..." He said.

"Well it can't be that hard" I said "and we get to choose what we like." We get to the furniture store and start looking around.

"There is a LOT of furniture here." I state. "This might take a while" then I walk over to a chair and feel it; soft.

2 hours later...
Scott POV
"This!" Mitch says pointing at a black and white patio staging. "I want all of this"

"Okay, let's go pay" I say and head to the cash register.

We pay and get back into the car. "back to packing" Mitch says with a glum look on his face.

"Not yet" I say and pull out. He gave me a confused look then shrugged and continued looking at his phone.

I drove for about 5 minutes then stopped. "This isn't much of a surprise Scotty" he said looking at the Starbucks. I didn't say anything because the surprise wasn't going to Starbucks... It was what was in Starbucks. (And no not coffee).

"Let's go" I said and got out of the car, I walked around the car and opened the door for Mitch.

We walked through the door and Mitch covered his mouth with both hands and wide eyes.

Inside There were rose petals leading to a table for two and on the table there were 2 coffees, flowers and candles. We walked over the table and I pulled out a chair for Mitch then sat down in my chair.
"I love you Mitchie" I said.

"Scott you didn't have to do all this. What is this for? I love you too" he said still in shock.

"Well we are getting married next week, moving into a house and everything's going so fast and Starbucks is like our happy place so I just wanted us to go here and just not rush or pack just be us, together. I love you so so much Mitch Grassi" I say.

Now tearing up "I love you too Scott Hoying" he said and leaned over and gave me a peck on the lips.

A/N: hola, sorry for the short filler chapter, next one will be longer. I am going to try to start writing a lot more cause I'm really getting back into PTX like I was before. And I decided I'm going to make a sequel!! So I'm gonna finish this one up in the next few chapters and start on book two! Bye stay #fcute

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