Chapter 22

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Scott POV
Kevin and Tori are out of the hospital. Tori has a broken arm, leg and nose and Kevin has a broken wrist and a broken foot.There wasn't any severe damage, like brain damage so that's good!

Me and Mitch have been planning the wedding and all that's left to do is get our tuxes and have the wedding, we have everything set up, entertainment, food, the cake, etc. We decided that we are gonna have 3 people to be like our best men. So I have Avi, Todrick and Tyler. And Mitch has Kirstie, Esther and Geniveve. The wedding is in 3 months and I'm so nervous! But I'm also super excited!!

Kirstie POV
My baby is due in 2 months. Avi and I are going shopping today to start setting up the nursery, I moved in last week and I am almost done unpacking.

"Hey kirst, you ready to go?" Avi asks.

"Yeah, let my grab my purse and we can go." I call back. Esther moved tour back a year and a half, so I could have time with the baby and because Mitch and Scott are getting married and they have there honeymoon etc.

We get to the store and I see a wallpaper slip that is pale pink and it has little giraffes on it and I instantly fall in love with it. "Avi, I love this one. We could have it at the top and paint the rest of the wall pale pink."

"It's beautiful, I love it. Let's go pick out the crib." He says. We finish picking out everything and we head home. Kevin is coming over to help set up the nursery.

*at home*

"So, Kevin should be here in about 15 minutes, let's talk about names..." I said.

"Ok so, you like the name skylar, I don't really like that name." He stated.

"Ok well, what about... Oliva or Abigail or...Emma?" I asked "what names do you like?"

"I love the name autumn" he said.

"Aww, that's really cute I didn't even think of that. Other than the name Skylar I really like the name, Paisley." I said.

"That's cute too, how about Autumn Paisley?" He said.

"Yes! That's so cute!" I said.
Kevin walked in and they started setting up the nursery. Kirstie's phone rang

Kirstie: hey

Mitch: hey kit kat, we were gonna get ptx together and go to a fancy dinner, you in?

Kirstie: yeah, I haven't been to a fancy dinner in so long... Let me ask Avi and Kevin... They said yeah.

They figured out where they were going and stuff then she went back to setting up the nursery

"Hey guys it's 4:00, i'm gonna go get ready for dinner, you guys get ready soon." I said.

I took a shower and was standing at the closet looking for what to wear when I heard a whistle. "Hey babe, what should I wear?"

"What about this?" He asked a pulled out a black dress with lace. I got it a few weeks ago in the maternity section just in case I had to go somewhere fancy.

"It's perfect thank you." I replied and put it on. I walked to the bathroom and did my make up I had on some dark eyeshadow and some nude lipstick.

*at restaurant*

We sat down, I was sitting next to Avi and Tori. We all talked and soon our food came, we ate and had a good time. Avi and I went home and cuddled up on the bed. I snuggled into Avis chest and soon enough we were both asleep.

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