Chapter 4

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Mitch POV
"Ugghhhh, I have NOTHING to wear!" Mitch yelled in a frustrated tone.

"You have a closet full of clothes" Scott replied.

"Can we go shopping?" Mitch asked "pretty please"

"Fine, I guess. Wanna invite Kirstie?" Scott asked.

"Sure, why not?" Mitch said "I'll text her"

Kirstie POV
I was trying to cover up my bruises and scars with my makeup when my phone buzzed. It was a text from Mitch

Mitch: hey kit kat me and Scott are going to go shopping, wanna come with?

Kirstie: sure, pick me up?

Mitch: yeah, see you in 30?

Kirstie: yeah, see you then

Mitch: ok 😃

'I wonder how I got back here this morning, I can't believe he did that, what if he comes back tonight?' She thought

Soon enough I heard a knock at my door, "hey guys, ready to go?"

"Yeah let's get going" Scott said

The trio arrived at the mall and started their journey. "Starbucks?" Kirstie asked.


"Uh YES"

The trio shopped for about 3 hours when they finally decided to call it quits, they were tired. The trio dropped Kirstie off at her house and headed home. Kirstie went to the bathroom and took her makeup off and since she was so tired she decided to go to bed. Kirstie woke up at 6 p.m and was hungry so she went to the kitchen and made some mac and cheese. 'I don't know if he's gonna come back tonight, I haven't seen him all day but whatever I'm tired' she thought and went to bed.

A/N: sorry for short chapters but I'm going to try to post a Lot so yeah.

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