Chapter 27

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I have a baby girl. I literally could not be any happier. I love her so much. She's my baby girl. She's so beautiful. Autumn Paisley Kaplan. My daughter.

We went home and Kirstie sat on the couch holding autumn for a little while. Then Autumn fell asleep so she went and put her in her crib and turned on the baby monitor. Then she went and took a nap. While she was doing that I fixed us some dinner. I made me and Kirstie pasta and just as I finished I heard Autumn start crying. Kirstie groaned and started to walk to the nursery. "Babe I can handle this go get dressed in something comfortable and come sit down I made dinner for us" I told her.

"Aww ok thanks baby" she said and kissed my cheek. Then she walked to the bedroom to change. I walked into the nursery and picked up a crying Autumn. I tried to figure out what was wrong and decided I should check her diaper. I changed her diaper as good as I could because I'm not experienced with it like Kirstie... I was the youngest and I never babysat. I figured she needed to eat so I brought her to Kirstie. She fed Autumn then I put Autumn in the little play pin thing in the living room that Esther got us. Kirstie and I were enjoying our dinner when someone burst through the front door. Kirstie stood up because she was shocked at the noise. I ran over to Autumn and picked her up and held her close to my chest. We waited for the person to show themselves...

It was Scott and Mitch. "I told you to be quiet you bitch" Mitch said and slapped Scotts arm.

"Oww sorry" Scott said. Autumn started crying. I bounced Autumn and she wouldn't quit crying.

"Let me see her avi" Mitch said. I handed Autumn to him and he tickled her and bounced her and she stopped crying. "Sorry we were so loud coming in" he said while still bouncing Autumn a bit "this bitch" he said while pointing at Scott "wanted to tell you something"

"Me and Mitch are moving!!" He said excitedly.

"Where are you moving?" Kirstie asked sounding a little disappointed.

"Oh don't worry... We're moving into a nice, quaint house downtown. It's really cool. It's two stories and has 3 bedrooms 2 1/2 bathrooms. But the reason we wanted to tell you was because we were thinking and you guys just had a baby... Mayen it's time for you to get out of this apartment and move into a house. We were looking online and we found this cute little house" he pulled out his phone to show us the picture, "it's 2 stories, 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms. You could easily afford it. It's in a good school district for when Autumn starts school, and it's only 5 minutes away from the house were moving to!" Mitch says sounding excited.

Kirstie grabs the phone and looks at me with wide eyes. "We'll think about it. I mean we do want to get out of his apartment and it is in a good spot. Maybe" I say to her. And she gives me a big smile. I plant a soft kiss on her lips.

"Awww" Scott says and smiles then gives Mitch a kiss.

"Awww" Kirstie says. Mitch and Scott stay and talk for a while then they leave. Kirstie feeds Autumn then we out her down and go to bed.

Mitch POV
We leave Avi and Kirstie's apartment and decide we want to do something. We don't really feel like clubbing so we decide on bowling... We go to the bowling place and get our shoes and our bowling balls.

We go to where we are going bowling and start bowling. I roll the ball and make a strike "yay" I say then I walk over to Scott and he pulls me into a kiss and we rock side to side for a minute when we are interrupted.

"Umm excuse me. I would prefer to bowl without seeing two fags making out on the side." a lady with 3 kids says. She has a son that looks about 4 years old, a daughter that looked about 7 and another daughter that looked close to 14 years old. She had short brown hair and was wearing a nirvana shirt.

"Excuse me. What did you just say to us?" Scott says now angry.

"I said that you two fags need to leave. I don't want my kids to learn from you" she repeated.

"We have just as much of a right to be here as you. Don't tell us what to do." Scott snapped. The lady rolled her eyes then walked back to her table. We thought she gave up. Scott kissed me again and it was even longer this time. Apparently the lady wasn't done and she walked back over to us threw her beer on us.

"FUCK! My shirt!" I yelled soaking wet in beer. Scott started to say something and I grabbed his arm "it's not worth it babe" I told him. We walked to the men's restroom and were helping each other dry off.

"I'm sorry about my mom she can be a bitch sometimes." The 14 year old looking girl said walking into the boys bathroom.

"It's ok. Not that big of a deal..." I say

"It is a big deal... She's such a homophobe. She's also clueless. You guys are Mitch Grassi and Scott Hoying. I love you guys so much. Your my inspiration. You guys keep me going... I am gay and I have only come out to my close friends, I wouldn't have come out or cut my hair or anything if it wasn't for you guys now. I was so unhappy for a long time but when I found pentatonix it just inspired me because you guys were just 3 teenagers who liked singing and now your 5 awesome singers that just won a Grammy!" She said.

"Aww thank you. What's your name?" Scott asked.

"Jade. I'm 14." Just like we thought "I'm so happy I got to meet you guys. Can I have a hug?" She asked shyly.

"Of course come here." We all hugged and continued talking for a little while. Then we decided we needed to get home so we said our goodbyes and made our way home.

We got home and we still weren't tired so we thought we should start packing. We are going to sign all the papers for the house next Monday. We went to the guest room to start packing up some stuff and ended up falling asleep together on the floor packing.

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