Chapter 13

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Scott POV
I finally found a ring, it's perfect. It is dark colored and has diamonds going down the middle. He will love it! "We will take this one." I told Jarrod

"Ok, let me box it for you" he said in reply

"Ok." We payed and then we headed to Kirstie's house so I could drop her off."thank you for helping me pick out a ring, Mitch is going to love it!"

"Your welcome" she replied sweetly

"What if Mitch says no?" I asked In a worried tone.

"He won't, trust me. He has liked you since high school." She said

"He has? But what if he feels like I'm rushing, we just started dating like 2 months ago." I asked.

"Well then wait a little while, but when you ask him he won't say no, but he might want to wait a while to get married, and that's the worst that will happen." She replied. "Don't worry scotty."

"Ok, well thanks again." I said as she got out of her car and started walking up to her apartment. Now to figure out how to propose...

Third person POV

Kirstie went to get a snack and watch tv when she got a phone call.

Kirstie: hello

Avi: hey babe, what are you doing?

Kirstie: sitting on my couch watching tv, wanna come over?

Avi: sure why not?

Kirstie: ok babe see you soon.

Kirstie went back to watching her show, eventually Avi got there and came inside.
He sat down on the couch and cuddled with Kirstie.

"I love you" Avi said

"I love you too" Kirstie replied


Kirstie planted a kiss on Avis lips, soon it got more heated. Their tongues battled for dominance, Kirstie had Avis lip between her teeth. Avi grabbed Kirstie's thighs and picking her up and walking into the bedroom. Avi lowered himself into the bed while Kirstie was straddling him. Kirstie started for Avis belt, she pulled it off and threw it behind her, she slipped Avis pants down and palmed him... Hard. Avi took Kirstie's shirt off and struggled with the bra hook, he finally got it off and backed away to admire Kirstie. "You like what you see" Kirstie said in a seductive voice. Avi went back in but went for her neck instead of her lips, he sucked and nibbled leaving many discolored bruises on her neck then moved down her chest onto her stomach. Kirstie practically ripped Avis shirt off and Avis hands moved down onto her pants, he pulled them off and then played with the hem of her panties. He slipped her panties off and threw them on the floor. She moaned loudly. Avi moved back up to her neck and nibbled again leaving more hickeys and causing Kirstie to moan. Kirstie pulled Avis underwear off tossing them into an unknown place in her room. Avi grabbed her hips hard and from what happened after that is up to your imagination.


Kevin POV

Tori is over at my house and we are watching a movie, cuddling on the couch. I kiss tori and say "I love you so much tori"

"I love you too Kevin" she says. I plant a kiss on her lips and we continue the movie.
My phone rings.

"Hello... Umm sure why not... Ok... Ok... See you then... Bye."

"I have to babysit my niece and nephew, they are 4 and 6 years old. Wanna help?"
I asked.

"Of course, I love kids" she said. I love her so much.

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