Chapter 6

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Mitch POV
Avi: Kirstie is coming your way, stop her and figure out what the scars are bruises are from, you'll see.

Mitch: ok...

About 1 minute after that I saw a drenching wet Kirstie come running down the beach towards me. " Kirstie come here." Stop stopped running shakes her head then started running again. I chased after her. Eventually she stopped and I caught her. "Kirst, what happened?"

"Nothing." She lied

"yes now tell me!" I said.

"Jeremy" she said and burst into tears. She told me everything.

After she said that my blood started to boil and I knew I had to do something about it, but I didn't let her know that, I just comforted her the best I could, I convinced Kirstie to tell everyone what happened, she did. Everyone was angry and everyone knew we had to fix this. We decided that for now we would just go home and watch a movie.

*they get to Mitch and Scott's house for a
movie night*

Kirstie POV

"So what movie?" Mitch asks

"Scary!" Yells Avi, Kevin and Scott

"Fine" I guess we will watch a scary movie.

'Really? I hate scary movies' I was sitting next to Avi and decided to tell him.

"Avi, I'm scared of scary movies."

"Aww it's ok ill be right here."

"Okay" I said and cuddled up next to him.

I woke up on Scott and Mitch's couch cuddling with Avi, this is the best way to wake up. I smell something cooking and look to see Scott and Kevin I the kitchen making breakfast. I wake Avi up and we walk to the kitchen.

We eat breakfast and decide to go home, Avi takes me home and decides to stay a while so we can hang out.

We go sit on the couch to watch tv but we decide to just talk. We start talking and suddenly our lips touching. I don't know how it happened. The kiss gets more heated and his tongue glides across my lips asking for entrance, I accept and i start tugging at his lip with my teeth. We both stopped and just stared at each other. Avi got up he said "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that"

"it's fine, I kinda enjoyed it." I said

"Ok, well I have to go, me and Kevin are going to dinner together in about an hour.

"Ok, have fun " I said as he walked out of the door.

A/N: sorry it's short...

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