Chapter 26

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A month and a half later...
Kirstie POV
So pentatonix is going to dinner tonight just because we haven't done anything together in a long time and it's gonna be super awesome. We are going to a fancy steakhouse so we have to dress up. My baby is due any day now and I'm excited I just want this thing out of me!!!

Me and Avi hop into the shower and take a pretty quick one then we get out and get ready. Avi is wearing a white button down shirt and some dress pants. I'm wearing a black dress that has a white collar and some black flats and some neutral makeup with my hair down.

We get to dinner and sit down. On one side it is (in order) Scott Mitch Kirstie Avi and the other side is(in order) Esther Kevin Ben Bens partner. We order then Kevin says he has an announcement. Kevin and Tori tried to date again but there were too many trust issues and it just didn't work out... But they are still friends. "Me and Esther are dating"

"Aww you guys are adorable" I say along with all the other Awww and comments.

We finished dinner and everyone had a good time and was stuffed. Avi and I went home and we were tired so we just sat on the couch and turned on the tv and we were watching sponge on and suddenly there was this sharp pain in my stomach. I groaned in pain. "Kirstie are you ok?!" He said panicked.

"Avi it's time" I said and smiled at him.

"It is?!" He smiled and his eyes lit up then he kissed me. Then I groaned in pain again "oh right, keep breathing lets go to the car!" He said and helped me up. I waddled to the car and we were off to the hospital. "Keep breathing babygirl it's all ok" he was holding my hand then he let go for one minute so he could call Mitch because he's my best friend and he knows what to do and to tell him to get everyone to come. They talked on the phone for a few minutes then he gave the phone to me as we arrived to the hospital. Mitch told me to hold on he'll be here soon and to keep breathing and this is gonna be hell but this baby is going to bring me a lifetime of happiness.

I got admitted to the hospital they put me in a room and I just had to wait for my doctor to get here. My contractions were 5 minutes apart and I felt so terrible. Finally Mitch got here he gave me a big hug and kiss on the cheek and held my hand and told me everything was gonna be ok. That's what Avi has been doing but it just feels more real when it's your best friend. I was holding Avi and Mitch's hands. My contractions were now 4 minutes apart and my doctor just got here. It was time...

2 hours later...

"Kirstie this is your baby girl" the doctor said as she handed me my baby. "She was born on January 18th at 2:03am. Do you have a name?"

"Yes it's Autumn Paisley Kaplan" I said with a smile.

"Aww ok you can have visitors now" she said.

"Ok Thank you" I said. I looked at my beautiful baby girl and I was already in love with her. She is perfect. I kissed her. Then I looked at Avi who was crying. "This is our baby" I said to him and he kissed my forehead. "Do you want to hold her?" I asked. He nodded his head and I handed her to him. Avi kissed Autumn, his eyes filled with tears. "She has your eyes Avi" I looked at him and he nodded. I turned my head and looked at Mitch who was also crying.

"She is beautiful" he said

"Aww thank you" I said and kissed his cheek. Them Kevin and Scott and Esther walked in, eventually everyone got or hold Autumn then they left so I could get some sleep. I gave birth to the most beautiful and perfect baby girl in the world and I love her with all my heart. I did it. I was so scared in the beginning and look at me now. Autumn Paisley Kaplan. My daughter.❤️

A/N: that was the long awaited chapter!! Hope I didn't butcher it. I am going to write a few more chapters should I do a sequel? I really love this story and I have so many more ideas. Love you all!! Stay #fcute

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